turning things into things by way of other things since 2017
Barnes is a static site generator.
Barnes is an asset pipeline.
Barnes is also a general-purpose incremental building thingy.
Barnes is not compatible with the previous version of a similar library of the same name.
It is all of these things.
(It's also basically Metalsmith, but in Typescript.)
Use it like this:
import Barnes from 'barnes';
import { watch, write } from 'barnes-io';
import { livereload, serve } from 'barnes-dev';
import { gzip, imagemin, lqip, purge, penthouse } from 'barnes-optimize';
import { layouts, markdown, paths } from 'barnes-web';
await new Barnes(__dirname)
directory: 'src/views',
default: 'layouts/index.njk',
options: {
engine: 'nunjucks',
root: `${__dirname}/src/views`
Or (theoretically) like this!
const content = new Barnes(_)
directory: 'src/views',
default: 'layouts/index.njk',
options: {
engine: 'nunjucks',
root: `${_}/src/views`
const assets = new Barnes(_)
const optimize = files => (
new Barnes(_)
.from(() => files)
await new Barnes(_)