Display a random shower thought from /r/showerthoughts. Best when paired with cowsay.
Not limited to just /r/showerthoughts. Use config subreddit newsub
to change to a new subreddit.
Example: python3 shower_thoughts.py config subreddit LifeProTips
- Change the name
- Add proper login support with voting
Requires Python 3, Requests and docopt.
pip3 install requests docopt
Running without arguments will display a random post from the cached database.
python3 shower_thoughts.py
python3 shower_thoughts.py (update|open|config)
Update local database of shower thoughts
Open comments section of last post
Get or set config sort|limit|timeframe|subreddit
python3 shower_thoughts.py | cowsay
/ I mostly use my driver's license to buy \
| stuff that impairs my ability to drive. |
| |
\ -mozezus /
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
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