High contrast theme with a minimal, modern color palette.
- dark theme
- true colors support
- 256 colors support
- lightline support
- fzf support
- works with vim and nvim1
- special care for TypeScript + React2
" install using your plugin manager of choice.
" eg vim-plug:
Plug 'nocksock/bloop-vim'
" (...)
set termguicolors " enable true color support
" Available options:
" ------------------
" toggle setting of background color
" useful if you want to keep your terminal's background (eg. for transparency)
" default: 1
let g:bloop_set_background = 0
" toggle italics
" default: 1
let g:bloop_use_italics = 0
" remember to set colorscheme *after* options in order for them to take effect
colorscheme bloop
Feel free to open an Issue or PR when something looks broken.
This repo contains a test
folder which should make it rather easy to test the
theme in an isolated and comfortable environment with autoreloading using
nodemon and tmux:
- tmux
- nodemon (
npm i -g nodemon
cd <path-to-theme>/test
This will start a tmux session containing a watcher and a vim session started
with the vim
executable script in the test folder. Adjust that if you want to
open a different file or whatever you need it to do. The test.vim
will set
basic options.
I hope this is enough to get you started.
TODO: finish this section
While the color palette is close to done, it's not quite there yet and I keep tweaking it from time to time as well as the overall highlight groups. So if you're using this, expect some changes to the theme when updating your plugins - although they'll be minor and most will be barely noticeable.
- (wip) Finalize dark color palette
- Include color palette for terminals (Alacritty, Kitty, iTerm2)
- Create light palette
- finalize 256 color palette
- finalize 16 colors support via terminal palette
- Special care for rust
- Special care for golang
- Special care for lua
- Create a docker image for the testing deps