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In order to facilitate client development, pinus provides client SDKs for some platforms, this document mainly introduce the JavaScript SDK for Web platform and libpinus which is written in C language and can be used in many platforms.

Actually, if the client uses the same wire-protocol as the server, then they can communicate with each other. Pinus provides two builtin connector sioconnector and hybridconnector, they use different wire-protocols, sioconnector is based on, while hybridconnector can handle connection for tcp and websocket. If developers customize their own wire-protocol and connector, then they should implement a corresponding client too.

JavaScript SDK for Web

Websocket is already supported for HTML5, so if a browser supports websocket, then it can directly connect to server via hybridconnector. But for an older browser which does not support websocket, based communication is a better choice. Therefore, there are two SDK provided for Web client: one for browsers which support websocket and another for browsers which do not support websocket, these two SDK are [] ( for and [pinus-jsclient-websocket]( websocket) for websocket. Client SDK

For client SDK, it depends on [] (, As there are some bugs when managing this dependency by [component] (, so it is required to use js file directly, the js file is []( blob/master/

The js file for is pinus-client.js. It is required to reference these 2 js file before pinus is able to work.

Websocket Client SDK

For websocket client SDK, it uses the [component] ( to manage its dependencies, so it is only required to configure a component.json file, in which configuring the dependencies, and then execute:

$ component install
$ component build

component will automatically find all the configured dependencies and package them into a single js file. Developers only need to reference the compiled build.js, and then pinus is able to work. Here is an example [chatofpinus-websocket] (, in which it uses component to manage the js dependencies at front end.

#### Javascript API

Pinus provides the unified API for both and websocket, the following is a brief introduction about the API.

  • pinus.init(params, cb)

This is often the first call at client side, the server address and port should be indicated in params, and cb will be called back after successfully connecting;

  • pinus.request(route, msg, cb)

It is called if client wants to send a request, route indicates service location formatted "..", and msg is content of the request, cb will be called back after receiving a response;

  • pinus.notify(route, msg)

It is called if client wants to send a notify, it does not need a response from server side, so it has no cb parameter, the other parameters have the same meaning as pinus.request;

  • pinus.on(route, cb)

This is a method inheriting from EventEmmiter, it is used to install handler to respond the pushing message pushed by server-side. route is be user-defined formatted "onXXX", cb is the handler;

  • pinus.disconnect()

It would be called when client wants to break the connection.


libpinus is client SDK for pinus written in C language that supports higher version than 0.3 of pinus.


How to Use

Creating a Client Instance

// create a client instance.
pc_client_t *client = pc_client_new();

Adding Event Listeners

// Add some event callback.
pc_add_listener(client, "onHey", on_hey);
pc_add_listener(client, PC_EVENT_DISCONNECT, on_close);

Listener Definition

// disconnect event callback.
void on_close(pc_client_t *client, const char *event, void *data) {
  printf ("client closed: %d. \n", client->state);

Connecting to Server

struct sockaddr_in address;

memset(&address, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_in));
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_port = htons(port);
address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip);

// try to connect to server.
if(pc_client_connect(client, &address)) {
  printf ("Fail to connect server. \n");
  pc_client_destroy (client);
  return 1;

Sending a Notify

// notified callback
void on_notified (pc_notify_t * req, int status) {
  if (status == -1) {
    printf ("Fail to send notify to server. \ n");
  } else {
    printf ("Notify finished. \ n");

  // release resources
  json_t *msg = req-> msg;
  json_decref (msg);
  pc_notify_destroy (req);

// send a notify
void do_notify(pc_client_t * client) {
  // compose notify.
  const char *route = "connector.helloHandler.hello";
  json_t *msg = json_object();
  json_t *json_str = json_string ("hello");
  json_object_set (msg, "msg", json_str);
  // decref json string

  pc_notify_t *notify = pc_notify_new();
  pc_notify(client, notify, route, msg, on_notified);

Sending a Requst

// request callback
void on_request_cb (pc_request_t * req, int status, json_t * resp) {
  if(status == -1) {
    printf ("Fail to send request to server. \n");
  } else if(status == 0) {
    char *json_str = json_dumps(resp, 0);
    if (json_str != NULL) {
      printf("server response:% s \n", json_str);

  // release relative resource with pc_request_t
  json_t * msg = req-> msg;
  pc_client_t * client = req-> client;
  json_decref (msg);
  pc_request_destroy (req);

  // stop client
  pc_client_stop (client);

// send a request
void do_request(pc_client_t * client) {
  // compose request
  const char *route = "connector.helloHandler.hi";
  json_t *msg = json_object();
  json_t *str = json_string("hi ~");
  json_object_set(msg, "msg", str);
  // decref for json object

  pc_request_t *request = pc_request_new();
  pc_request(client, request, route, msg, on_request_cb);


  • Creating an instance of pinus client:
pc_client_t *pc_client_new();
  • Stopping client's connection:

The function is suitable to be called in child thread of libuv, and then main thread would wait for child thread's exit by calling pc_client_join.

void pc_client_stop(pc_client_t *client);
  • Destroying client's connection:
void pc_client_destroy(pc_client_t *client);
  • Waiting for child thread's exit for main thread:
int pc_client_join(pc_client_t *client);
  • Creating an request instance:
pc_request_t *pc_request_new();
  • Destroying an request instance:
void pc_request_destroy(pc_request_t *req);
  • Connecting to server, it would create child thread to handle network I/O:
int pc_client_connect(pc_client_t *client, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
  • Destroying an instance of type pc_connect_t:
void pc_connect_req_destroy(pc_connect_t *conn_req);
  • Sending a request:
int pc_request(pc_client_t *client, pc_request_t *req, const char *route,
               json_t *msg, pc_request_cb cb);
  • Creating a notify instance:
pc_notify_t *pc_notify_new();
  • Destroying a notify instance:
void pc_notify_destroy(pc_notify_t *req);
  • Sending a notify:
int pc_notify(pc_client_t *client, pc_notify_t *req, const char *route,
              json_t *msg, pc_notify_cb cb);
  • Adding an event listener:
int pc_add_listener(pc_client_t *client, const char *event, pc_event_cb event_cb);
  • Removing an event listener:
void pc_remove_listener(pc_client_t *client, const char *event, pc_event_cb event_cb);
  • Emitting an event:
void pc_emit_event(pc_client_t *client, const char *event, void *data);

Compiling libpinus


gyp is required.


xcodebuild -project pinus.xcodeproj


./pinus_gyp -DTO=ios

IOS Simulator

./pinus_gyp -DTO=ios




First, change current directory to libpinus project directory, and then start the [git bash]( # platform-windows), execute the following commands:

mkdir -p build
git clone build/gyp

Then, run cmd and change current directory to libpinus directory, then execute the following commands to generate .sln file which can be used by Visual Studio.

build\gyp\gyp.bat -depth=. pinus.gyp -Dlibrary=static_library -DTO=pc


If your development platform is windows, there are several prerequisites:

  • Install Cygwin with make (select make package from the list during the install).
  • eclipse with android adt, the lastest android sdk includes a fully configured eclipse.

Building steps:

I. Create a new android project, for example test project is shown as follows: test project

II. Create a new directory named jni and place it in root directory of the test project, and new an file in this jni directory. Write the following to

  LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

  include $(CLEAR_VARS)

  LOCAL_MODULE := game_shared




  $(call import-module, libpinus)

III. Create a new directory named pinus in root directory of the project, and then pull the latest libpinus code from github as follows:

![enter image description here](

IV. Then open a terminal (cygwin for windows) and execute the following command in the root directory of the project to complete the compling:

ndk-build NDK_MODULE_PATH=<AbstractPathOfTheProject>/pinus/

![enter image description here] (

V. If you want to develop applications with cocos2d-x, then just put libpinus in directory /cocos2dx/platform/third_party/android/prebuilt and execute ./

You can refer to cocos2d-x android for more detail.

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