Generative UAV models with CadQuery and SplineCloud
pip install git+<version_tag>
Replace <version_tag>
with the recent tag
Airfoil geometry and aerodynamic coefficients are collected from the open SplineCloud repositories.
The airfoil collection can be loaded this way:
from cquav.wing.airfoil import load_airfoils_collection
airfoils_collection = load_airfoils_collection()
airfoil_data = airfoils_collection["NACA 6 series airfoils"]["NACA 64(3)-218 (naca643218-il)"]
The wing model with a constant chord.
Airfoil shapes are approximated with smoothing B-Splines, while sharp tails are thickened to avoid malformed geometry.
Wing console consists of three parts:
- three-chamber box compartment (made of construction material, such as carbon or fiberglass);
- shaper (XPS foam, PLA, or other lightweight material);
- shell (coating layer: fiberglass or other).
Geometry is generated based on the airfoil type and wing size. Currently, box thickness is selected automatically based on the profile height.
from cquav.wing.airfoil import Airfoil
from cquav.wing.profile import AirfoilSection
from cquav.wing.rect_console import RectangularWingConsole
airfoil = Airfoil(airfoil_data)
airfoil_section = AirfoilSection(airfoil, chord=200)
wing_console = RectangularWingConsole(airfoil_section, length=800)
Displaying wing model in Jupyter Notebook (requires jupyter-cadquery ):
import cadquery as cq
from jupyter_cadquery import show
assy = cq.Assembly()
assy.add(wing_console.foam, name="foam", color=cq.Color("lightgray"))
assy.add(wing_console.front_box, name="left_box", color=cq.Color("yellow"))
assy.add(wing_console.central_box, name="central_box", color=cq.Color("yellow"))
assy.add(wing_console.rear_box, name="right_box", color=cq.Color("yellow"))
assy.add(, name="shell", color=cq.Color("lightskyblue2"))
show(assy, angular_tolerance=0.1)
from cquav.materials import IsotropicMaterial, FluidProperties
air_density = 1.225 # [kg/m^3]
velocity = 35 # [m/s]
kinematic_viscosity = 1.460*1e-5 ## [m^2/s]
air_props = FluidProperties(air_density, velocity, kinematic_viscosity)
alpha = 5 # [degrees] - angle of attack
XPS_foam = IsotropicMaterial(30, 1e3, 25*1e6) # (density, tensile strength, tensile modulus)
Fiberglass_laminate = IsotropicMaterial(1800, 290*1e6, 12.4*1e9) # I know it is not isotropic - just another assumption )
materials = {"box": Fiberglass_laminate, "shell": Fiberglass_laminate, "foam": XPS_foam}
wing_console.stats(alpha, air_props)
Length: 1457.6691355004075, [mm]
Chord: 150, [mm]
Aspect ratio: 9.717794236669384
Area: 0.2186503703250611, [m^2]
Mass: 1.5465428361878988, [kg] (box: 0.9566951728265329, foam: 0.027119495312970882, shell: 0.562728168048395)
Angle of attack: 0.3604633440024395, [degrees]
Excess lift force: 32.73014596820137, [N]
Console bend force: 35.77102468212604, [N]
Drag force: 1.3201885631129033, [N]
Lift to weight ratio: 2.7983907782328705
Center of aerodynamic pressure (lift): (37.5, 728.8345677502037), [mm, mm]
Reinforcement box thickness: 1.427, [mm]
Shell thickness: 1, [mm]
Bend stress: 26.0240758429659, [MPa]
Shear stress: 0.6649548985267989, [MPa]
Von Mises stress: 26.049549296133048, [MPa]
Safety factor: 11.132630231074645
wing_console = RectangularWingConsole(airfoil_section, length=800, make_lattice=True)
Finding wing span with the desired relative tip deflection (takes much time for lattice shaper)
solved_console_length = wing_console.fit_length_to_required_tip_deflection(
alpha, air_props, tip_delta_max=0.1
Finding wing span with the desired relative tip deflection and desired excess lift force (unstable, work in progress)
lift_force = 100 # [N]
solved_console_chord = wing_console.fit_chord_to_required_lift_force(
alpha, air_props, lift_force, tip_delta_max=0.1
More detailed examples are covered in the Jupyter notebooks in the 'examples' directory.
- considered uniform distribution of pressure along the wing span (which is not true in reality);
- UAV pitch angle = 0, meaning horizontal flight mode with arbitrary angle of attack;
- only the wing box accepts aerodynamic load, which is applied along its central line;
- pure box bending is considered to calculate tip deflection;
- wing console is fixed on one of its ends, another end is free;
- no torque is analyzed;
- wing materials are considered to be isotropic;