Create a project in pycharm and choose venv environment.
Add needed librairies :
- Application :
- kivy
- uvicorn
- aiofiles
- opencv-python
- python-multipart
- Models :
- tenserflow
- keras
- matplotlib
- numpy
- seaborn
- sklearn
- Scrapping :
- Selenium
- Sounds :
- gtts
- playsound 1.2.2 using
pip install playsound=1.2.2
- google_translate.py
- Application :
Running the application:
- Start By running the application backend from the api/api.py.
- Run the application front from the mobile/main.py.
Remark : The models are already trained and saved in models
Once the application is running you can choose between 3 models : digits, letters or cat-vs-dog model.
- We implemented a scrapping functionnality in the project and to run it you have to install scrapping modules above and start dataset_generator from data/dataset_generator.py. You have to specifiy the number of pictures and what you are looking for.
- The result images are in the ressources directory devided into two sections : training and validation.
- If you want to use a valid datasets see the link below :
Cat VS Dog : https://github.com/abdellah-idris/catvsdog_dataset
letters : https://github.com/abdellah-idris/letters_dataset
digits : https://github.com/abdellah-idris/digit_data
###Remark : You need to verify the paths specified in the models and change them according to your dataset location.