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Vue slingshot

##Initial Machine Setup

  1. Install Node 4.0.0 or greater - (5.0 or greater is recommended for optimal build performance). Need to run multiple versions of Node? Use nvm.
  2. Install Git.
  3. On a Mac? You're all set. If you're on Windows, complete the steps for your OS below.

On Windows:

  • Install Python 2.7. Some node modules may rely on node-gyp, which requires Python on Windows.
  • Install C++ Compiler. Browser-sync requires a C++ compiler on Windows. Visual Studio Express comes bundled with a free C++ compiler. Or, if you already have Visual Studio installed: Open Visual Studio and go to File -> New -> Project -> Visual C++ -> Install Visual C++ Tools for Windows Desktop. The C++ compiler is used to compile browser-sync (and perhaps other Node modules).


Just two commands for development build:

npm install

Then run backend on http://localhost:9090/

npm start