Simplified publish/subscribe and connection retry handling for amqp (rabbitmq).
This package integrates with amqplib and amqp-connection-manager (which is also built on amqplib). Use one of those packages to create connections that can be used with this package.
npm install @nowait/amqp --save
First, create an AMQP connection, using either amqplib or amqp-connection-manager. Then, create a channel.
Duplex channels are provided by amqplib, and can be used for either publishing or consuming messages. They don't provide any fault tolerance for publishers: when connections are dropped, publishers will fail.
import amqp from 'amqplib'
import { createChannel } from '@nowait/amqp'
// See amqplib documentation
const connection = amqp.connect(uri, options)
const channel = createChannel(connection)
Managed channels can only be used for event publishers. They provide fault-tolerance by buffering events when the connection is dropped. It will attempt to reconnect, and then deliver the buffered events.
import amqpcm from 'amqp-connection-manager'
import { createManagedChannel } from '@nowait/amqp'
// See amqp-connection-mananger documentation
const connection = amqpcm.connect([...uri], options)
const channel = createManagedChannel(connection)
After creating a Channel, use publishTo
to publish messages to an exchange using a routingKey.
// Assuming channel was created using one of the approaches above
import { publishTo } from '@nowait/amqp'
const publishChannel = publishTo(channel)
const publishConfig = {
exchangeName: 'some-exchange',
routingKey: 'some-routing-key'
// Create a publisher function that will publish messages
// using the exchangeName and routingKey
const publish = publishChannel(publishConfig)
publish(JSON.stringify({ hello: 'world' }))
After creating a duplex Channel, use consumeFrom
to consume messages from a queue. This example uses defaultParseAndHandleMessage
, which will convert messages from JSON format
import amqp from 'amqplib'
import {
createChannel, consumeFrom, defaultParseAndHandleMessage
} from '@nowait/amqp'
// See amqplib documentation
const connection = amqp.connect(uri, options)
const channel = createChannel(connection)
const consume = consumeFrom(channel)
const consumeConfig = {
exchangeName: 'some-exchange',
queueName: 'some-queue',
routingKey: 'some-routing-key'
const handleError = async (e, message) => {
// message will be the raw AMQP message
logError(e, message)
const handleMessage = defaultParseAndHandleMessage(handleError, (data) => {
// Content will be the *parsed* message content.
// Do something with it
// IMPORTANT: Always return a promise to indicate
// success or failure in handling the data
return doBusinessLogic(data)
// Start consuming messages from the exchangeName, queueName,
// and routingKey.
consume(consumeConfig, handleMessage)
Exchange and routingKey pair for setting up a publisher Publishers don't care about queue names
Exchange, queue, and routingKey tuple for setting up a consumer
A channel to which messages may be published
A channel from which messages may be consumed
A channel that is both a PublishChannel and a ConsumeChannel
Message publishing function type returned by publishTo
Create a Channel on a standard AmqpConnection (created with amqplib). The Channel may be used to publish and/or publish messages.
Create a Channel on an AmqpManagedConnection (created with amqp-connection-manager). The Channel may only be used to publish messages.
Begin consuming messages based on the exchangeName, queueName, and routingKey specified in ConsumeConfig
Create a Publisher function which can be used to publish messages to an exchange and routingKey specified in the provided PublishConfig.
parseAndHandleMessage : (MessageParser<C>, MessageResultHandler<mixed>, MessageResultHandler<R>, MessageContentHandler<C, R>) ⇒ MessageHandler
Base function for creating a MessageHandler to parse and handle consumed messages. Most of the time, you'll want to use defaultParseAndHandleMessage
. Use this if you need to parse messages from a different format or handle Ack/Nack differently.
defaultParseAndHandleMessage : (MessageErrorHandler<Error, mixed> ⇒ MessageContentHandler<JsonValue, mixed>) ⇒ MessageHandler<mixed>
Create a message handler that parses messages in JSON format, and automatically acks upon success or failed message handling. If an errors occurs during message parsing (e.g. invalid JSON) or message handling, the error and raw AMQP message will be passed to the error handler function. The message will still be acked after the error handler returns. If you need different error handling ack/nack behavior, use parseAndHandleMessage
Helper to create a MessageParser for messages in JSON format.