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Journey is a personal project designed to help users document and relive their travel experiences in a rich, immersive way. The platform allows travellers to seamlessly store memories of their trips, combining textual narration, geographic information, and multimedia elements such as photos and videos.

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Your Portal to the Past


Journey is a personal project designed to help users document and relive their travel experiences in a rich, immersive way. The platform allows travellers to seamlessly store memories of their trips, combining textual narration, geographic information, and multimedia elements such as photos and videos.

With Journey, users can:

  • Capture stories of their adventures with detailed narratives.
  • Log geotagged locations to visually map their travel routes and destinations.
  • Upload and organize images and videos, creating a digital scrapbook of their experiences.

Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a year-long adventure, Journey enables users to keep all their cherished travel moments in one organized place, transforming trips into unforgettable stories.

This is an Angular based Geo Spatial Single Page Application(SPA). The Application is deployed using gh-pages.

Since application uses geographical information, data is being processed in GeoJSON format. Open Street Map is being used for displaying geospatial data with help of Map based JavaScript Library Leaflet.

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Getting Started

Please find below steps to set up and run application in your workstation.


The service uses MongoDB for persistence. For Local development, Local MongoDB instance created with help of Docker CLI. So make sure you have installed Docker CLI or any other docker container tool.


  1. Download Repository
    git clone 
  2. Set up your environment.development.ts to have
  3. Development Journey-API BFF service
  4. Your Cloudinary's cloud name and preset
  5. Optional Cloudinary base directory for development
  6. Run Application
    npm run start


Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you like the project and have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'feat: Add the AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

Release new version

  1. Manually run Release Workflow
  2. The Workflow flow uses Conventional Changelog Action Plugin, which determines next version based on commit logs
  3. Based on the determined release type (MAJOR or MINOR or PATCH), bump version in package.json
  4. The Workflow creates Release as well with release notes and make the release as latest
  5. As soon as new Release created, which triggers gh-page deploy workflow
  6. When build successful, Application available on


Ramachandran Nellaiyappan Website | Twitter | E-Mail


Sincere Thanks to following open source community for their wonderful efforts to make our life much easier.

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Journey is a personal project designed to help users document and relive their travel experiences in a rich, immersive way. The platform allows travellers to seamlessly store memories of their trips, combining textual narration, geographic information, and multimedia elements such as photos and videos.






Contributors 4
