Title: Forecasting with Generalised Additive Models (GAMs) in R
Date: 21 February 2024
Time: 14:00 - 16:00 (GMT)
Instructor: Dr Nicola Rennie (Lancaster University)
Slides: nrennie.github.io/f4sg-gams
GitHub: github.com/nrennie/f4sg-gams
Posit Cloud: posit.cloud/content/7637971
- Anyone who is interested in extending their knowledge beyond simple regression models and learning more about generalised additive models.
- Newcomers to the field of generalised additive models who want to understand their importance and relevance in forecasting.
- Academics, students, data scientists, researchers, and practitioners in the field who are working with data containing complex nonlinear relationships.
- People who want to learn how to implement generalised additive models using R.
By the end of the workshop, participants will:
- know what generalised additive models are;
- understand why and when they might be appropriate for certain types of data;
- be able to fit and evaluate GAMs using the {mgcv} package in R;
- understand how to interpret the output from fitted models.
- Basic knowledge of R.
- Basic knowledge of statistics and linear modelling.
- This session will provide an overview of generalised additive models (GAMs), demonstrate the practical aspects of fitting such models, and describe how to evaluate and interpret different them.
- Live demonstrations and hands-on coding exercises will give participants the opportunity to practice implementing models using R.
- Introduction to the data and the {mgcv} package (15 minutes)
- Fitting and evaluate GAMs using the {mgcv} package (15 minutes)
- Forecasting using GAMs (15 minutes)
- {mgcv}
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