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Progress bar (progress polyfill)

LaurentGoderre edited this page Sep 14, 2012 · 16 revisions


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Project Lead: Laurent Goderre(@LaurentGoderre)

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The HTML5 progress element allows to display the progress of a task. Because some browsers do not support this functionality natively, this polyfill emulates the same functionality using generic HTML and WAI-ARIA.


Browsers that do not support the progress element natively ignore the progress bar and therefore, nothing is displayed and its content is not exposed to assistive technologies. This polyfill ensures that the progress is visually conveyed through a progress bar and exposed to assistive technologies by adding ARIA.


To use the polyfill, a standard progress element must be used. In cases where browser don't support the progress element, the polyfill is automatically loaded.


The progress bar polyfill accepts two parameters: max and value. Neither of these parameters are required.

Value Parameter

This parameter represent the progress of the task and can be any decimal number between 0 and the max value. If value is omitted, the progress bar is considered to be undeterminate, which means that there is no indication on the actual progress of the task.

Max Parameter

This parameter represent the maximum progress for the task. When the value parameter is set to the maximum value, the task is considered complete. The max parameter can be any positive decimal number. If the parameter is omitted, the default value of 1.0 is assumed.

Example Code

The working examples are located here


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