I make it for fun and also for my laziness
. To learn Golang as well.
A lazy tool written by pure Golang to clone multiple git repositories then place it to the right folders
For example, the repository with url: https://github.com/ntk148v/gclone.git will be placed in folder: $WORKSPACE/github.com/ntk148v/gclone
is an environment variable to define your workspace folder path, by default it is $HOME/Workspace
The directory tree will be like the follow, it is easier to manage.
~/Workspace tree -L 3
├── github.com
│ ├── jeremyb31
│ │ └── newbtfix-4.15
│ ├── neurobin
│ │ └── MT7630E
│ ├── ntk148v
│ │ ├── blog
│ │ ├── dotfiles
│ │ ├── gclone
│ │ ├── testing
│ │ ├── til
│ │ ├── wallpapers
│ │ └── warehouse
│ └── resloved
│ └── i3
$ go get -d github.com/ntk148v/gclone
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/ntk148v/gclone
$ GO111MODULE=on go build -o gclone main.go
Or simply get the binary file here.
Simply pass a repository URL as gclone command argument. If you want to change the default workspace folder, please export it:
$ export WORKSPACE=/path/to/your/workspace
$ ./bin/gclone -h
A lazy tool written by Golang to clone multiple git repositories then place these to the right folders.
Usage: main [<flags>] <repositories>...
-clone-opts string
Git clone command options, separate by blank space character. For more details "man git-clone"
-f Force clone, remove an existing source code.
Force clone, remove an existing source code.
<repositories> Repository URL(s), separate by blank space. For example: git@github.com:x/y.git https://github.com/x/y.git...
- Clone a single repostitory:
# Without force
$ gclone https://github.com/ntk148v/rep1.git
# With force - delete $WORKSPACE/github.com/ntk148v/repo1 folder if exist.
$ gclone https://github.com/ntk148v/repo1.git
- Clone mutilple repositories:
$ gclone https://github.com/ntk148v/repo1.git https://github.com/ntk148v/repo2.git
- Clone with some extra git clone options:
$ gclone --clone-opts="-v -q" https://github.com/ntk148v/repo1.git