Produces the code's auto-generated documentation in HTML, PDF or XML.
The tool utilizes Doxygen and JsDoc3 command line utilities, please be sure to install those first, e.g. for macOS:
$ brew install doxygen node
$ npm i jsdoc -g
Please note the tool uses xsltproc
utility, so be sure that it's available
in PATH.
go get -u
Please use the tool's flags to generate the corresponding output:
Usage: adx [-conf=(yaml-file)] -lang=(lang) [-jsconf=(jsdoc-conf)] [-src=(src-dir)]+ [-xml=(xml-file)]+ -title=(title) -out=(out.[html|pdf|xml])
Produces the code's auto-generated documentation in HTML, PDF or XML.
-conf string
the configuration file for the custom languages
-jsconf string
the JSDoc configuration file
-lang string
the source code programming language (js, java)
-out string
the output file (the format is based on its extension)
-src value
the source code dir(s)
-title string
the document title
-xml value
the input XML file(s)
is utilized to perform various tasks related to development.
$ make tests
Local installation:
$ make install
Custom languages are parsed based on the configuration files. The code should be documented in a special way as it's parsed to generate the documentation based on the rules from the configuration.
Code sample:
* Class: Foo
* Foo demo class
* @property prop The sample property.
* @constructor Build an Foo class instance.
class Foo(private val prop: String) {
* Method: method1
* The sample method.
* @param arg The sample argument.
* @return The sample return.
fun method1(arg: String): Int {
Class:, Method: (Static Method:, Constructor:) and Property: (Static Property:) markers are used to determine the block context. Classes may have the optional @constructor tag to identify that the constructor is implicitly defined with the @property list as its arguments.
The configuration file has the following YAML format (see fixtures/config.yaml as an example):
extensions: [list of extensions]
type: [block|line]
format: /** */
parameter: '@param (?P<name>\w+)\s?(?P<description>.*)'
return: '@return\s?(?P<description>.*)'
Please note that parameter
and return
are regular expressions that should have
the name (not for return
) and description capture groups.