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  • Create and EKS cluster on a dedicated VPC using terraform.
  • Implement a CD using GitHub Actions.
  • Deploy a simple web application.
  • Configure a Load balancer and a deployment policy.



Project organization overview

Main directories:

utils - Contains python scripts used for the bootstrap processes.

infrastructure - Contains the terraform definitions to build and deploy the infrastructure.

organization - Contains the terraform definitions to build the organization infrastructure.

applications - Contains the application source code.

charts - Contains the Helm charts definition to deploy the container image application to the Kubernetes cluster.

Additionally other directories are created during the bootstrap process:

venv - Contains a python virtualenv environment used to install all the python requirements.

logs - Where the logs are created

Project configuration

The configuration.yml file contains a set of values that can be used to configure the bootstrap and deployment process.

# The idea of this configuration file is to be a single source of truth for the bootstrap scripts and terraform.
project_name: qcase
aws_region: eu-central-1
logs_directory: logs
vault_directory: vault  # Be sure that this path is present in the .gitignore file.
key_name: qcase  # Keypair to be used in worker nodes instances.

# the bucket_suffix_name is prefixed with the account_id and region to create the bucket name
# ex: 123456789012-eu-central-1-terraform-backend-project_name
  bucket_suffix_name: terraform-backend-qcase



  • python3 and python3-venv packages in Debian/Ubuntu systems or their equivalents.
  • terraform 1.5
  • GNU make

AWS Configured credentials for GitHub Actions. See Secrets and variables in the CI/CD section.


The bootstrap target creates a set following set of resources:

  • A s3 bucket to be used as a backend storage for terraform state files.
  • A keypair that would be stored in the configured vault_directory. This keypair is created in this stage, because using terraform instead, would end with the cryptographical material being stored in the tfstate file.

To run the process just execute:

make bootstrap

Project Development

Main Makefile targets

Usage: make <target>  [one or more targets separated by spaces and in the order that their would executed]

 The following targets are available: 

			Show this help.
			Create the virtualenv to run pip-install target.
			Install python dependencies using pip.
			Upgrade python dependencies using pip. This ignore pinning versions in requirements.txt.
			But only updates packages that are in that file.
			Like pip freeze but pinning only packages that are in requirements.txt.
			This doesn't include any package that could be present in the virtualenv
			as result of manual installs or resolved dependencies.
			Uninstall python dependencies using pip.
			Deploy infrastructure running terraform.
			Destroy infrastructure running terraform.
			Run linting tools for python code in the ${UTILS_SRC} directory.
			Run linting tools for terraform code in the infrastructure directory.
			Run linting tools for yaml code in the .github directory and the configuration.yml, and .yamllint.yml files.
			Run linting tools for Python and Terraform code.
			Generate a local kubectl configuration file to connect to the k8s cluster.
			List all configured workflows
			Run a workflow from the list [Interactive]
			Enable a workflow from the list [Interactive]
			Enable all workflows in the project
			Disable a workflow from the list [Interactive]
			Disable all workflows in the project

Organization Infrastructure / Terraform

Inside the directory organization are the set of resources definitions that are typically built as pre-requisite for a specific project. In a real-life scenario these resources are managed in a separated repository.

Project Infrastructure / Terraform

Inside the directory infratructure directory there are two subdirectories.

  • main-resources for deploying projects resources like VPC, EKS cluster, etc.
  • kubernets-resources for deploying Kubernetes resources, like Helm chars, controllers, and AWS resources needed for that like IAM roles and policies.


Each directory that contains terraform files has a Makefile with a set of specific targets to use during the development phase.

Usage: make <target>  [one or more targets separated by spaces and in the order that their would executed]

 The following targets are available: 

			Show this help.
			Run terraform init.
			Run terraform init --reconfigure.
			Run terraform format, and terraform plan storing the plan for the apply phase.
			Run terraform plan -destroy storing the plan for the apply phase.
			A TARGETS variable containing a space separated list of resources can by provided
			to processed and used as targets with -target.
			Runs terraform apply with a previous created plan.
			Runs the init, plan, and apply targets.
			Runs terraform destroy.
			Runs terraform format updating the needed files.
			Runs fmt target and terraform validate.
			Clean saved plans and logs.

Application development

The application development has place inside the directory applications/qweb, and the source code is stored in the subdirectory src.

There is also a Makefile with the following targets used for development and for the CI/CD process.

Usage: make <target>  [one or more targets separated by spaces and in the order that their would executed]

 The following targets are available: 

			Used for development.
			Show this help.
			Like pip freeze but pinning only packages that are in requirements.txt.
			This doesn't include any package that could be present in the virtualenv
			as result of manual installs or resolved dependencies.
			Docker login
			Build docker image
			Tag the latest Docker image into ECR.
			Push the latest built Docker image into ECR.
			Publish a new Docker image into ECR. This target build, tag, and push a new image.
			Run the latest image published into ECR.
			Run linting tools for python code in the ${UTILS_SRC} directory.
			Run linting tools for Python and Terraform code.

The application makes a query to the AWS STS api to obtain the IAM user or role whose credentials are used to call the operation.

    "Account": "123456789012",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/qweb-eks-node-group-20230627002412308100000001/i-0a8278645b0d9be8a",
    "ResponseMetadata": {
        "HTTPHeaders": {
            "content-length": "491",
            "content-type": "text/xml",
            "date": "Tue, 27 Jun 2023 01:31:47 GMT",
            "x-amzn-requestid": "b9c3537c-ca5a-4b6a-929f-e040d8e7cfea"
        "HTTPStatusCode": 200,
        "RequestId": "b9c3537c-ca5a-4b6a-929f-e040d8e7cfea",
        "RetryAttempts": 0
    "UserId": "ABCDEF12GHIJK3467AAAA:i-0a8278645b0d9be8a"

In addition to this, you can change the background color of the page by editing the src/index.html file. If the change is pushed to the repository this would trigger a new image build and a subsequent deployment.

Helm charts

For deployment the application into the kubernetes cluster we are using Helm charts. The idea is to declare the
resources to be deployed using the best tool for that avoiding creating complex definition on terraform/hcl and allowing a better jobs division between different teams.

Helm charts for the qweb application are stored inside the directory charts/qweb.


GitHub Actions are the solution used for the CI/CD process. The workflows definition are stored in the .github/worlflows. All the workflows are configured with specific rules based on git branch names and the project organization structure, and are triggerd based on pull request or direct push to the master branch, and can also be manually triggerd by the GitHub Actions UI. The two reclaim workflows can only be triggerd manually and requires a confirmation input by the user. When the workflows are triggerd by a pull request, the result of each execution is posted as a comment in the pull request including the build logs or the terraform plan depending on the case. In and GitHub Organization account the branch protection rules can be configured to use the execution result to prevent the pull request to be merged.

There are four set of workflows, they are:

  • Organization Infrastructure
  • Project Infrastructure
  • Kubernetes Resources
  • Application Release

Organization Infrastructure

These workflow creates or reclaim organizational resources. e.g.: ECR repositories.

Workflows definitions:

Project Infrastructure

These workflows create or reclaim the projects resources. e.g.: VPC, EKS Cluster, etc.

Workflows definitions:

Kubernetes Resources

These workflows create or remove the kubernetes resources that are deployed into the EKS cluster. Some of these resources are the Helm chart used to deploy the application.

Workflows definitions:

Application release

This process build, tags and publish the image container to the AWS ECR repository. The image is tagged using the tags:

  • latest
  • <commit hash> Using the first 8 characters to have a unique identifier of the image.
  • <commit date> Using the UTC date of commit, in the format %Y%m%d.%H%M%S

Workflows definitions:

Workflow dependencies

Each time that there is a new application release the workflow QWeb Application build and release triggers the execution of the workflow ""

Secrets and variables

The following list of secrets and variables needs to be created via the GitHub UI.


  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: An AWS access key associated with an IAM account.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret key associated with the access key.


  • AWS_ACCOUNT_ID: AWS account id.
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: The Default AWS Region to use.
  • ENV: Environment or Stage. e.g.: dev, stg, prd.

Handy commands

Obtain the application url:

make kubeconfig && \
kubectl --kubeconfig kubeconfig \
  ingress qweb --template "http://{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{.}}{{ end }}"

example output

Change the background color of the QWeb app to trigger a new deployment

export BG_COLOR="red" && \
      sed -i -E "s/(background-color:\ )(.*)/\1$BG_COLOR;/" applications/qweb/src/index.html && \
  grep background-color applications/qweb/src/index.html

Render Helm chart for debugging

helm template --debug charts/qweb > debug.yml

Run the application locally with docker

docker run -it --rm --name qweb -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws -p \

access the application using the url

Run the web application manually:

python applications/qweb/src/

example output:

 * Serving Flask app 'qweb'
 * Debug mode: on
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on all addresses (
 * Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 123-456-789

Know issues.

  • None so far 🎉


  • Creating reusable workflows.
  • Merge resource creation workflows in a single Workflow to control the execution order.
  • Merge the Reclaim/Destroy workflows into a single one.

Things than can be improved:


  • EKS resource tagging and mapping


At Bootstrap:

  • Add a method to remove the s3 bucket when terraform resources are destroyed.
  • Set this step as part of the CI/CD, to create these resources in the first run/commit.


Some documents used as references.

ALB docs:

Ingress annotations

Helm debugging.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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