#Pingbridge ####A message bridge between slack and hipchat
###Config Edit the config.json ######hipchat
- "auth_token": Hipchat auth token. Create on at https://hipchat.com/account/api (needs following scopes: Send Message, Send Notification, View Messages, View Room)
- rooms: An array with the rooms to monitor
- forward_room: Room to display messages from slack
- room_token: same as auth_token (or you can generate one by going to HipChat.com > Rooms tab > Click the room you want > Select Tokens [BETA] on the left-hand side > generate a new token)
- keywords: List of keywords to bridge the to slack
- ping_template: message template for the forwarded message
- auth_token: Slack auth token: Create an bot at https://my.slack.com/services/new/bot and copy the token
- forward_room: Room to display messages from hipchat (example: '#ping')
- keywords: List of keywords to bridge the to hipchat
- ping_template: message template for the forwarded message
###Other things Make sure to invite the slack bot to the channels that should be monitored.
###Run the bridge
Just run node main.js