Repository for setting up dotfiles on a new machine. It is orchestrated by the dotfiles program.
The packages installed by the setup script target Ubuntu v22.04
wget -q -O - | bash
- Install a patched font from a. Currently using DejaVuSansMono
- Ensure terminfo setup for alaritty
- Set up tmux a. Set up tmux tpm b. Prefix + I (Prefix and then capital I to install the plugins
- Install neovim LSPs
- git
- curl
- pass
- acl
- autojump
- fontmanager
- gnupg
- unzip
- xclip
- ripgrep
- jq
- bleachbit
- fd-files
- nvim '0.9.5'
- tmux '3.4'
- mise '0.10.2'
- lua '5.1'
- ruby '3.2.3'
- node '20.10.0'
- python '3.10.6'
- rust '1.75.0'
- alacritty '0.12.3'
See nvim
- Create a group devs and add your user to it
sudo groupadd devs && addgroup $USER devs
- You need to restart to be added to the group
sudo apt-get install virtualbox virtualbox-guest-additions-iso
Build and tag the docker container.
$ ./
$ docker run -it dotfiles /bin/bash
$ ./dotfiles/