This project is mainly leveraged from:
I used the CSP algorithm to solve the Rullo game( The solver script is
How to use the solver.
- Go to the USER INPUT section. Input a problem matrix of a game, row sums and column sums.
- Run these commands:
#code start
unwanted_dict = dict()
wanted_dict = dict()
r_csp = RulloCSP(m,row_sum,col_sum)
result = backtracking_search(r_csp, wanted_dict = wanted_dict, unwanted_dict = unwanted_dict)
ret_df= pretty_print(result,m,row_sum,col_sum)
- See the result. It can solve any problems perfectly and quickly.
I also created a script to solve doctor scheduling problem using the same CSP algorithm. See the file: csp_doctor_v2.5 add