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Class 9

Scala Traits

Traits are Scala's attempt to find a middle ground between the simplicity but limited expressiveness of interface inheritance and the expressive power but semantic complexity of multiple class inheritance.

In many ways, Scala traits can be thought of as providing the combination of features that are provided by interfaces and abstract classes in Java. In particular, like interfaces in Java, traits can be mixed into other classes and traits so that the resulting types inherit the methods defined in the trait. Moreover, a trait can provide default implementation of its methods, which can then be overridden by the inheriting class. For instance, here is how we express our Duck example using Scala traits:

trait Duck {
  def quack: Unit
  def push: Unit = quack
trait Flyable {
  def fly: Unit
class Mallard extends Duck with Flyable {
  override def quack: Unit = println("Quack!")

  override def fly: Unit = println("Heading south!")
  override def push: Unit = { quack; fly }
class RubberDuck extends Duck {
  override def quack: Unit = println("Squeak!")

Traits also share some of the same limitations with Java interfaces. In particular, traits do not have parameter lists and therefore have no implicit or explicit constructors.

However, in general, traits are much more flexible than interfaces. In particular, traits can have instance fields just like abstract classes. For instance, here is a variant of our Duck example in which the Duck trait uses an instance field to provide a flexible default implementation for the quack method:

trait Duck {
  val quackSound: String
  def quack: Unit = println(s"$quackSound!")
class Mallard extends Duck {
  val quackSound = "Quack"
class RubberDuck extends Duck {
  val quackSound = "Squeak"

We can also have an instance field x declared in multiple unrelated traits and mix these traits into a single class. Similar to virtual inheritance in C++, we will end up with only one x field in the resulting class. However, the final class must initialize x with a value that is a common subtype of the types of x in the mixed in traits. Here is an example:

class A {
  override def toString: String = "A"

trait B extends A {
  override def toString: String = "B"

trait T1 {
  val x: A

  override def toString: String = x.toString

trait T2 {
  val x: B

class D extends T1 with T2 {
  val x = new B {}

Calling prinln(new D) will now print B. Note that the types imposed on the shared field x by each trait (here A and B) do not have to be related by subtyping as in the example above. What is important is that the type of the final value used to initialize the field in D is a subtype of all these types. This works because val fields are typed covariantly and hence when we initialize the field with a value of a subtype of the types specified in the traits T1 and T2, we are guarantee to satisfy all the assumptions on the value imposed by T1 and T2. Here is an example demonstrating this more general case:

class A {
  override def toString: String = "A"

trait B {
  override def toString: String = "B"

trait T1 {
  val x: A

  override def toString: String = x.toString

trait T2 {
  val x: B

class D extends T1 with T2 {
  val x = new A with B

object Traits extends App {
  println(new D)

Note that A and B are not related by subtyping. Though, we initialize x in D using an instance of the class that we obtain by mixing B into A. This class is a subtype of both A and B. The resulting code compiles and will print B when it is executed.

Stackable Modifications

One of the key features that make Scala's mix-in composition with traits superior to Java's interface inheritance and C++'s virtual class inheritance is the ability to mix multiple traits that override the same method.

trait T {
  def m(): Unit

trait T1 extends T {
  override def m(): Unit = println("T1")

trait T2 extends T {
  override def m(): Unit = println("T2")

object obj extends T1 with T2

The conflict between the different overridden versions of m() is resolved by linearizing the traits in the mix-in chain. That is, consider a general chain of mix-ins:

class C extends Base with T1 with T2 ... with TN

where Base is a class or trait and T1, ..., TN are traits.

The compiler will construct the final class C by starting from Base and first extending it with T1. The methods provided by Base may be overridden by new versions in T1. The compiler continues in this fashion, extending the resulting class Base with T1 with T2 and so forth until TN.

In our example above, calling obj.m() will thus call T2.m and not T1.m since T2 is the last trait to be mixed-in and therefore its m methods overrides the prior versions in the chain.

What makes this form of composition interesting is that any reference to super in the body of one of the mixed in traits T will be resolved to the class obtained by mixing in all of T's predecessors in the chain. That is, super in a trait T is bound only at the point when T is mixed in. This feature is extremely useful for implementing stackable modifications.

As an example, let's consider a simple trait Coffee that provides a method price to obtain a price quote for a coffee drink and that overrides the toString method to provide a description of the coffee:

trait Coffee {
  val basePrice: Double
  def price: Double = basePrice
  override def toString: String = "coffee"

Now, suppose that we want to be able to describe coffee-based drinks that contain milk, and charge customers for the extra ingredient. We can simply define another trait that extends Coffee and adapts the price and ingredient description appropriately.

trait Milk extends Coffee {
  override def price: Double = super.price + 0.5

  override def toString: String = super.toString + " with milk"

Note that both price and toString delegate the call to super and simply add the surcharge for milk to the obtained price, respectively add "milk" as an additional ingredient to the description produced by toString.

Here is a similar trait that modifies Coffee to account for the addition of sugar (which is free of charge):

trait Sugar extends Coffee {
  override def toString: String = super.toString + " with sugar"

Now consider the following code, which creates an instance of the class obtained by mixing the traits Sugar and Milk into Coffee:

val c: Coffee = new Coffee with Sugar with Milk { val basePrice = 1.0 }
println(s"A ${c.toString} costs $$${c.price}.")

This code will print

A coffee with sugar with milk costs $1.5.

In particular, the call c.toString will be dispatched to Milk.toString because Milk is the last trait in the mixin chain. Milk.toString will then call Sugar.toString because Milk.super is bound to Sugar. The call to Sugar.toString will then in turn call Coffee.toString because Sugar.super is bound to Coffee.

Note that the order of the mixin composition matters due to the way that the composition is linearized. For example, if we swap the order of Sugar and Milk as in

val c: Coffee = new Coffee with Milk with Sugar { val basePrice = 1.0 }
println(s"A ${c} costs $$${c.price}.")

we get

A Coffee with milk with sugar costs $1.5.

Such stackable modifications are quite useful if you have many different small adaptations of the default behavior of a class that you want to combine in different ways in different contexts.

Implementing Scala Traits in Java

We might ask ourselves how we could go about simulating the behavior of traits in Java where we only have interfaces at our disposal, with all its limitations. Since Scala compiles to Java bytecode, which also provides only classes and interfaces, we can simply disassemble the bytecode generated for our previous examples and see how the compiler does it.

To see how this works, we will use a slightly simplified example:

trait Coffee {
  val basePrice: Double
  def price: Double = basePrice

trait Milk extends Coffee {
  override def price = super.price + 0.5

trait Sugar extends Coffee {
  override def price = super.price + 0.2

class CoffeeWithSugarMilk extends Coffee with Sugar with Milk { 
  val basePrice = 1.0 

The trait Coffee is compiled to the following interface:

public interface Coffee {
  // getter for val basePrice
  double basePrice();

  // implementation of Coffee.price to be used for calls to super.price in mixin
  static double price$(Coffee c) {
    return c.basePrice();
  // default implementation of method price for Coffee
  default double price() {
    return price$(this);

First, since Java interfaces cannot have instance fields, the field basePrice has been removed. Instead, the compiler has added a getter method, also called basePrice, that can be used to access the field. Every read access to basePrice in the original code of the trait has been replaced by calls to the getter method.

Second, the compiler has added a static method price$ that contains the implementation of the original price method in the trait Coffee. Note that price$ takes a Coffee as argument, which stands for the implicit this receiver of the original price method. The method price$ will be used to implement calls to super.price in the cases where super is bound to Coffee in a mixin chain.

Finally, we have the actual instance method price as in the original trait, which simply delegates to price$.

The translation of the traits Milk and Sugar look quite similar, so we only show the translated code for Sugar here:

public interface Sugar extends Coffee {
  // Sugar's super.price to be determined during mixin
  double Sugar$$super$price();

  // implementation of Sugar.price to be used for calls to super.price in mixin
  static double price$(Sugar s) {
    return s.Sugar$$super$price() + 0.5; 

  // default implementation of method price for Sweetened
  default double price() {
    return price$(this);

We obtain an interface Sugar that extends the interface Coffee. As in the translation of Coffee, we obtain a static method price$ for the implementation of price provided by the trait Sugar. The call super.price in the body of the original price has been translated to a call to the auxiliary method Sugar$$super$price on the explicit receiver s. The method Sugar$$super$price is a placeholder for the actual super.price that is determined when Sugar is mixed into another class. The interface simply declares this method as an abstract instance member.

Now let's consider the following class that mixes Sugar and Milk into Coffee:

class CoffeeWithSugarMilk extends Coffee with Sugar with Milk { 
  val basePrice = 1.0 

The Java translation of this class will look as follows:

public static class CoffeeWithSugarMilk implements Sugar, Milk {
  // val basePrice = 1.0
  final double basePrice = 1.0;

  // implementation of getter method for val basePrice
  public double basePrice() {
    return basePrice;
  // Milk's super.price is resolved to Sugar.price$
  public double Milk$$super$price() {
    return Sugar.price$(this);
  // Sugar's super.price is resolved to Coffee.price$
  public double Sugar$$super$price() {
    return Coffee.price$(this);

  // Milk is last trait that is mixed in, so inherit its implementation of price.
  public double price() {
    return Milk.price$(this);

First, translated class now declares the instance field basePrice that it inherited from the trait Coffee and uses this field to implement the corresponding getter method. Since Sugar is mixed into Coffee, the call to super.price in Sugar.price should be resolved to Coffee.price. Thus, the class implements Sugar$$super$price by delegating to Coffee.price$. Similarly, Milk$$super$price resolves to Sugar.price$.

We can now create an instance of the resulting class and call its price method:

CoffeeWithSugarMilk c = new CoffeeWithSugarMilk();
c.price() // returns 1.7

The observed behavior is consistent with the expected behavior of the stacked traits.

Self-Types and Dependency Injection

Large software systems are often organized into interdependent components that provide different services and functionality. It desirable to design the overall system in such a way that components can be reused in other contexts or replaced by alternative implementations without much effort. This is particular helpful for testing an individual component when other components it depends on are also still under development.

A common solution to this problem in OOP is a design pattern referred to as dependency injection. In the OOP setting, software components correspond to classes. The instance b of a component B on which another component A depends is injected into the instance a of A by passing a reference to b when a is created. This can be implemented via auxiliary constructor arguments in A, or dedicated setter methods.

Many languages do not provide inbuilt mechanisms for expressing dependencies and implementing the wiring between components succinctly. Therefore, one often resorts to using specialized frameworks such as Spring for Java that reduce some of the boilerplate code that is needed to implement this design pattern.

Scala provides a language feature referred to as self-types that together with mixin composition of traits can be used for a light-weight implementation of dependency injection.

A self type of a class or trait C expresses that the instances of C depend on another class D. Self-types can be expressed using the following syntax:

trait C {
  self: D => 
  // implementation of C

Note that the scope of the identifier self is the body of trait C and is always an alias for this. You may use any other valid Scala identifier instead of self in the self-type declaration, including this itself.

The effect of the self-type annotation is that we can now access the members of class D within the body of C as if they were members of C.

The compiler will statically enforce that before an instance of some class that extends C can be created, we have to mixin D into that class (or some other subtype of D) to satisfy C's dependency:

val c = new C with D { ... }

Note that the above self-type for C is different from a subtyping constraint expressed using extends:

trait C extends D {

In particular, we can use self-types to express mutual dependencies between the two classes C and D:

trait D {
  self: C => 
  // implementation of D

Situations where such mutually dependent components arise are not uncommon (the original paper that introduced self-types provides an example of such a situation that is motivated by the implementation of the Scala compiler itself).

Also, self-types do not impose a specific order in which C and D are mixed together:

val c = new D with C { ... }

Let us look at a more concrete example of how this all works. Let's start from our stackable modifications example in the previous section. As part of this example, we declared the following trait

trait Sugar extends Coffee {
  override def toString: String = super.toString + " with sugar"

This is actually not a great design. Remember that class inheritance should be used for expressing an "is a" relationship between the subclass and its superclass. This is clearly not the case here: a condiment such as Sugar is certainly not a beverage like Coffee.

Let's improve our design by creating two separate components for expressing the relationship between beverages and condiments: a BeverageProduct that abstracts from beverage products such as Coffee and a CondimentProvider that serves as a container for the specific condiments "decorating" a particular beverage. BeverageProduct captures basic properties of the beverage, such as its base price, its base ingredients and so forth. CondimentProvider keeps track of the surcharges associated with the added condiments and the additional ingredients contained in them. It also provides functionality for computing the final price and ingredient list of a beverage with condiments.

We use self-types to separate the two components into their own traits. Here is how BeverageProduct looks like:

trait BeverageProduct {
  this: CondimentProvider =>

  val basePrice: Double
  val baseIngredients: List[String]

  /* methods related to products */

And here is a concrete implementation of a BeverageProduct:

trait EspressoProduct extends BeverageProduct {
  this: CondimentProvider =>

  override val basePrice = 3.00
  override val baseIngredients = List("espresso")

Next, let's define a trait for condiments:

trait Condiment {
  def price: Double = 0.0

  def ingredients: List[String] = Nil

Note that Condiment is no longer a subtype of BeverageProduct like e.g. Sugar was a subtype of Coffee in our previous design.

As in our earlier example, we can still implement specific condiments as stackable components:

trait Sweetener extends Condiment {
  override def ingredients = "sugar" :: super.ingredients
trait MilkFroth extends Condiment {
  override def ingredients = "milk" :: super.ingredients

Finally, here is our implementation of CondimentProvider:

trait CondimentProvider {
  this: BeverageProduct =>
  val condiments: Condiment
  def price: Double = basePrice + condiments.price
  def ingredients: String = {
    val ingr = baseIngredients ++ condiments.ingredients
    ingr reduce (_ + " and " + _)

Note how the implementation of price uses basePrice which is provided by through the self-type BeverageProduct to calculate the total price of the beverage.

Here is a concrete subclass of CondimentProvider that provides MilkFroth and Sweetener:

trait SweetFrothProvider extends CondimentProvider {
  this: BeverageProduct =>
  val condiments = new Sweetener with MilkFroth

Using mixin composition, we can now wire the components together to implement specific beverage products. For instance, a cappuccino can be obtained by mixing EspressoProduct with SweetFrothProvider:

object cappuccino extends EspressoProduct with SweetFrothProvider {
  override def toString = "cappuccino"


println(s"A cappuccino consists of ${cappuccino.ingredients}, and costs $$${cappuccino.price}")

would then print:

A cappuccino consists of espresso and milk and sugar, and costs $3.0

The Cake Pattern

The above implementation of dependency injection using self-types is a simplified variant of the more general Cake Pattern.


Notes and Code for Class 9






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