A 16×16-dotted pixel art viewer with ESP-WROOM-02 and Unicorn HAT HD.
This device can display images from GIF files. Animated GIFs are also supported.
A web application is provided. You can access http://esp8266x2pav.local:8080/ (as default) with a web browser and upload your GIF file. Both the width and the height of the image must be within 32 pixels, and the file size must be within 64KiB. The image is cropped if its width or height is over 16 pixels.
The next image will be displayed automatically after the specified duration has elapsed (and after the specified loop times in the case of animation GIF). Moreover, you can force to display the next image by pressing the button.
It goes to sleep mode after the specified duration has elapsed and be resumed by pressing the button.
Here is the Web API specification generated from "openapi.yaml".
- Unicorn HAT HD
- LDO module (3.3V): M-3V3SIP
- Resistors: 10kΩ×6
- Wires, connectors, switches, etc...
Clone the source code and open the project file "ESP8266X2PAV.ino" with Arduino IDE.
You must import ESP8266 board.
Also, you must modify "credential.h" according to your situation.
if you like.- The URL to get version information will be http://esp8266x2pav.local:8080/version if you don't modify.
according to your Wi-Fi access point setting.- If you'd like to assign static IP address to the device, uncomment
and edit values ofSTATIC_ADDRESS_***
- If you'd like to assign static IP address to the device, uncomment
You can build the source code with following configuration.
Attribute | Value |
Board | Generic ESP8266 Module |
Builtin Led | 2 |
Upload Speed | 921600 |
CPU Frequency | 80 MHz |
Crystal Frequency | 26 MHz |
Flash Size | 4MB (FS:3MB OTA:~512KB) |
Flash Mode | DOUT (compatible) |
Flash Frequency | 40 MHz |
Reset Method | dtr (aka modemcu) |
Debug port | Disabled |
Debug Level | None |
lwIP Variant | v2 Lower Memory |
VTables | Flash |
C++ Exceptions | Disabled (new aborts on oom) |
Erase Flash | Only Sketch |
NONOS SDK Version | nonos-sdk 2.2.1+119 (191122) |
SSL Support | Basic SSL ciphers (lower ROM use) |
MMU | 32KB cache + 32KB IRAM (balanced) |
Non-32-Bit Access | Use pgm_read macros for IRAM/PROGMEM |
Then, you can transfer the firmware binary data to ESP-WROOM-02 by any means.
These codes are licensed under MIT License.