Execute parallel testing, creating a Process for each Processor (with some goodies for functional tests).
find tests/ -name "*Test.php" | ./bin/fastest "bin/phpunit -c app {};"
This tool works with any testing tool available! It just executes it in parallel.
It is optimized for functional tests, giving an easy way to work with N databases in parallel.
"I had a problem,
so I decided to use threads.
tNwoowp rIo bhlaevmes.
We were tired of not being able to run paratest with our project (big complex functional project).
Parallel is a great tool but not so nice for functional tests.
There were no simple tool available for functional tests.
Our old codebase run in 30 minutes, now in 7 minutes with 4 Processors.
- Functional tests could use a database per processor using the environment variable.
- Tests are randomized by default.
- Is not coupled with PhpUnit you could run any command.
- Is developed in PHP with no dependencies.
- As input you could use a
file or use pipe (see below). - Increase Verbosity with -v option.
It creates N threads where N is the number of the core in the computer.
100% written in PHP, inspired by Parallel.
I suggest to use pipe:
find tests/ -name "*Test.php" | ./bin/fastest
or with ls
ls -d test/* | ./bin/fastest
calling with placeholders:
find tests/ -name "*Test.php" | ./bin/fastest "/my/path/phpunit -c app {};"
is the current test file.
is the current process number.
You can use the option -x
and import the test suites from the phpunit.xml.dist
./bin/fastest -x phpunit.xml.dist
If you use this option make sure the test-suites contains a lot of directory, is not suggested.
This function should be improved help needed.
Inside your tests you could use the env. variables,
Image that you are running tests on a computer that has 4 core, fastest
will create 4 threads in parallel,
and inside your test you could use those variables:
echo getevn('ENV_TEST_CHANNEL_READABLE'); // The number of the current channel that is using the current test eg.2
echo getevn('ENV_TEST_CHANNEL_READABLE'); // Name for the database, is a readable name eg. test_2
echo getevn('ENV_TEST_CHANNELS_NUMBER'); // Max channel number on a system (the core number) eg. 4
echo getevn('ENV_TEST_ARGUMENT'); // The current running test eg. tests/UserFunctionalTest.php
echo getevn('ENV_TEST_INC_NUMBER'); // Unique number of the current test eg. 32
echo getevn('ENV_TEST_IS_FIRST'); // Is 1 if is the first test on its thread useful for clear cache.
you can also run a script per process before the tests, useful for init schema and fixtures loading.
find tests/ -name "*Test.php" | ./bin/fastest -b"app/console doc:sch:create -e test";
fastest [-p|--process="..."] [-b|--before="..."] [-x|--xml="..."] [-o|--preserve-order] [execute]
execute Optional command to execute.
--process (-p) Number of parallel processes, default: available CPUs.
--before (-b) Execute a process before consuming the queue, it executes this command once per process, useful for init schema and load fixtures.
--xml (-x) Read input from a phpunit xml file from the '<testsuites>' collection. Note: it is not used for consuming.
--preserve-order (-o) Queue is randomized by default, with this option the queue is read preserving the order.
--help (-h) Display this help message.
--quiet (-q) Do not output any message.
--verbose (-v|vv|vvv) Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug
--version (-V) Display this application version.
--ansi Force ANSI output.
--no-ansi Disable ANSI output.
--no-interaction (-n) Do not ask any interactive question.
If you want to parallel functional tests, and if you have a machine with 4 CPUs, the best think you could do is create a db foreach parallel process,
gives you the opportunity to work easily with Symfony.
Modifying the config_test config file in Symfony, each functional test will look for a database called test_x
automatically (x is from 1 to CPUs number).
# Stubs
doctrine.dbal.connection_factory.class: Liuggio\Fastest\Doctrine\DbalConnectionFactory
if you use Composer just run composer require-dev 'liuggio/fastest' 'dev-master'
or simply add a dependency on liuggio/fastest to your project's composer.json file:
"require-dev": {
"liuggio/fastest": "dev-master"
For a system-wide installation via Composer, you can run:
composer global require "liuggio/fastest=dev-master"
Make sure you have ~/.composer/vendor/bin/
in your path,
read more at getcomposer.org
If you want to use it with phpunit you may want to install phpunit/phpunit as dependency.
Easy see .travis.yml file
Rerun only failed testsDone!Add the db_name variableDone!Remove redis ad dependencyDone!Remove parallel_tests ad dependencyDone!- Behat provider?
- Develop ProcessorCounter for Windows/Darwin.
- Improve the UI and Progress bar.