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git plugin #5362

JanosSarkoezi opened this issue Sep 1, 2016 · 0 comments

git plugin #5362

JanosSarkoezi opened this issue Sep 1, 2016 · 0 comments


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Hi git plugin-developer

in your git plugin is a nice alias at

It has a little problem, if I use glol with --stat, the output locks wrong at end of a commit. My local solution was to change the line

alias glol="git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"


alias glol="git log --graph --pretty='%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"

would be nice, if this goes to your plugin (my git version is 1.9.1).

mattnichols pushed a commit to mattnichols/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue Sep 9, 2016
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
james4e pushed a commit to james4e/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue Sep 18, 2016
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
DennisDenuto pushed a commit to DennisDenuto/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue Oct 29, 2016
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
avleen pushed a commit to avleen/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue Dec 23, 2016
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
ekcode pushed a commit to ekcode/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue Apr 5, 2017
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
sdave2 added a commit to sdave2/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue May 11, 2017
* Added perms plugin (ohmyzsh#1752)

* Added perms plugin

* HTTPS -> HTTP for comment URL

* Added a README

* Updated TOF comment

* Pulled in updates by apjanke with minor tweaks

* Fix _tasks_changed algorithm in rake-fast plugin

* Fix syntax and formatting of rake-fast plugin

* Reword rake-fast README, add `lib/tasks` information

* rake-fast: change variable name from `$path' to `$file'

This solves a problem of using the variable name `$path' which then
smashes the environment variable `$PATH' and messes up the session.

See ohmyzsh#5343 (comment)

* Update the docker completion script with the official docker zsh
completion script

* Update README

* initial spotify control

* volume up/down added

* add info, share and status option

* add color echo

* change pause to play/pause

* add Search Option for album,artist and tracks

* add search option for playlist

* fix showStatus output

* complete help

* readme updated

* seach show Url of song

* Add Droplr plugin

* Add Droplr README

* droplr: convert ruby file into zsh

* Fixed typo (ohmyzsh#5369)

Coffee was missing an F

* Force ssh-agent output to use bourne-style syntax

On systems where the shell cannot be changed because of a strict
security policy, ssh-agent will use the syntax of whatever the
default $SHELL is.
For instance, if the default shell is tcsh, ssh-agent will use the
c-shell style (setenv).

This change forces ssh-agent to use bourne-style syntax since that
has to be later interpreted by zsh. Consequently, the environment
file will contain `export' statements from now on (instead of

* ssh-agent: Use /usr/bin/env to find ssh-add

This change is important when ssh-add is not inside /usr/bin e.g.
on NixOS.

Signed-off-by: Maximilian Güntner <>

* Delete useless `/usr/bin/env` in ssh-agent

* Extract comments into README for ssh-agent plugin

* Clean up formatting of ssh-agent plugin

* Simplify PID check of current ssh-agent

* archlinux: yasu now working - only one dash needed (ohmyzsh#5373)

* ssh-agent: fix non-standard process check w/ pgrep

Confirmed to work on MacOS, OpenBSD, Solaris and busybox.

* git plugin: remove `format:' from --pretty flag

Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362

* git: output nothing when no commits ahead or behind

This fixes old git_commits_ahead behavior and changes git_commits_behind
to have the same behavior.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5355

* Add ability to autocomplete services for brew-services.

* add firewalld aliases

* Fix git_prompt_status() not showing ahead/behind/diverged status correctly (ohmyzsh#5388)

* sudo firewall-cmd calls

* add readme

* corrected alias documentation

* npm: quiet error output of npm completion

* npm: only source npm completion cache if file exists

* npm: unset NPM_COMPLETION_FILE variable

* Add ctrl-r, ctrl-a and ctrl-e support in vi-mode (ohmyzsh#4994)

* Add ctrl-r support in vi-mode to perform backward search in history
* Add ctrl-a support to move to bol in vi-mode
* Add ctrl-e support to move to eol in vi-mode

Signed-off-by: Douglas Drumond <>

* Add file completions for lein (ohmyzsh#5380)

* Fix iTerm crash on window re-size (ohmyzsh#5211)

* Readded docker-compose aliases (ohmyzsh#5412)

Removed by mistake in 0950f9c.

* Add -DskipITs and completion for -Dit.test mvn plugin (ohmyzsh#3641)

* Adds -DskipITs to auto completion list

* Adds integration test completion

* Fix battery plugin when acpi writes to stderr (ohmyzsh#5413)

* Fix battery plugin when acpi writes to stderr
* Make stderr redirection in battery plugin more idiomatic

* Improve gradle plugin task parsing (ohmyzsh#5230)

* Improve gradle plugin task parsing

Added _gradle and _gradlew as symbolic links to gradle.plugin.zsh,
otherwise the plugin was not properly loaded.

Output from `gradlew tasks --all` is now parsed in two levels,
first we find segments between `------...` and a newline.
Second, all those lines are parsed and cleaned using awk
and added to .gradletasknamecache.

Tested on gradle 2.13, and gradlew 2.14.

* Remove .gradletasknamecache before regenerating it

Remove the .gradletasknamecache file to avoid having an unnecessary
newline at the top of the file when regenerating it.

* Improve gradle task parsing by writing .gradletasknamecache atomically

Previously the .gradletasknamecache file was written line by line inside a parsing loop,
which could cause errors such as half-written cache files if the process was aborted.

This also removes the need of deleting the .gradletasknamecache file before parsing.

* Deprecating brew cask plugin (ohmyzsh#5191)

The good completion is now part of Homebrew so this one  will always be outdated.

See Homebrew/brew#407
and Homebrew/brew#936.

* Remove _brew zsh completion (ohmyzsh#5190)

Removing as this is now installed as part of homebrew automatically and this
version is out of date. See

* ssh-agent: check ssh-agent process w/ ps again

The alternative is using tools that aren't available everywhere.
The latest report is that cygwin/msys2 doesn't have pgrep.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5418.

* Adding a link to Planet Argon who manages the site/project/shop

* Forgot a word in the footer

* Added 'gbd' alias for 'git branch -d' (ohmyzsh#5417)

* Add an alias for Rails console sandbox (ohmyzsh#5316)

The command ‘rails console —sandbox’ loads our Rails application,
connects to the database and automatically starts a database
transaction. All database operations performed within this console
session are rolled back upon leaving the console. Reference -

* Spotify Controller (ohmyzsh#5356)

* initial spotify control

* volume up/down added

* add info, share and status option

* add color echo

* change pause to play/pause

* add Search Option for album,artist and tracks

* add search option for playlist

* fix showStatus output

* complete help

* readme updated

* seach show Url of song

* Avoid unnecesary processing... (ohmyzsh#5352)

by discarding directories or files with permissions already correctly set

* missing listing and versions (ohmyzsh#5341)

versions is missing list is missing

*  Fix peepcode theme ruby prompt info (ohmyzsh#5339)

The ruby prompt info was not interpolating properly. Switching to use
 ruby_prompt_info helper. This addresses the issue.

* added support for bazaar in agnoster theme (ohmyzsh#5016)

the agnoster theme is now able to render basic information
if the user is currently residing inside a bazaar folder.
if so, it will render a green promt segment with "bzr" and
the current revision number in it. if there are untracked
files, the bar will be rendered in yellow. if there are
changes to already tracked files, a + character will be

* Update docker completion to match docker upstream (ohmyzsh#5060)


Signed-off-by: Brian Goff <>

* Update docker completion from upstream (ohmyzsh#5426)

* Add check for git and bzr to agnoster theme

Plugin command-not-found on Arch Linux returns 0 if git or bzr is found in repos, hence outputting unwanted pkgfile output.
Checking if the commands exist first fixes all such issues.

* Adds option for directory to Xcode xc function. (ohmyzsh#5253)

* Added angular-cli (ng) completion.

* The argument completion also has no extra options.

* Updated options for generate.  Added gh-pages:deploy / github-pages:deploy.

* Added

* Add some prompts for "install:install-file" (ohmyzsh#5376)

Add "-DgroupId= -DartifactId= -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=" to options for
"install:install-file" for when you need install a local jar file.

Closes ohmyzsh#5376.

* Fix hyphen and underscore filename completion

This deletes the previous hack that allowed completing files with
the extension: e.g. `abcd.z` to `abcdefg.z`.

It is still possible to use `abcd[TAB].z`, and hyphens or underscores
are very much more important than this other trick.

ohmyzsh#1398 (comment)

Signed-off-by: Marc Cornellà <>

* Fix styling of lib/completion.zsh

* Add copybuffer function and keybinding (ohmyzsh#5431)

* Add copybuffer function and keybinding:

binds ctrl-o to copy the command line buffer to the system clipboard.


* README copy updates

* Add a tip to ease agnoster first setup

* globalias fix ohmyzsh#4834

* Add more docker compose aliases (ohmyzsh#5422)

Adds the following aliases:

alias dco='docker-compose'
alias dcr='docker-compose run'
alias dce='docker-compose exec'

And sorts the aliases similar to `docker-compose help` order

* Update pip plugin to last stable release (ohmyzsh#5472)

Update pip plugin to last stable release

* Add README to svn plugin

* Add localization workaround to svn plugin

* Clean up svn README

* Clean up and refactor code in svn plugin

* extract: fix styling

* extract: fix extraction of deb packages with data.tar.xz

* extract: replace basename&sed w/ zsh variable expansion syntax

`${var:t:h}` uses:

- `${var:t}` which acts as `basename`.

- `${var:r}` which removes the extension.


* extract: add file extensions to extract completion

* extract: add README

* git.plugin.zsh: Don't run Git hooks when making a WIP commit (ohmyzsh#4751)

When making a WIP commit, we generally just want to save the state of the
current branch temporarily, maybe because we want to push our work for backup
purposes, or change branch to work on something else. Therefore, it's generally
undesirable to run Git hooks, which might do things like run linters, because
we probably don't care if our WIP has lint errors.

* Add missing newline to end of `spotify status` output (ohmyzsh#5480)

* last-working-dir: clean up source

* last-working-dir: add README

* last-working-dir: don't jump if not in $HOME

* Change confusing 12h-time without AM/PM to system-localized time

* Add /usr/local/bin to autoenv search path (ohmyzsh#5481)

The current list of directories to search for autoenv on misses the default location on Ubuntu systems if you just do a normal `pip install autoenv` - [it will place]( `` in `/usr/local/bin` unless you manually override the `--prefix` or something.

The `/usr/local/opt/autoenv` is fine for macOS/homebrew installations but it would be nice not to have to manually patch on Linux :)

* Add aliases for docker-compose logs (ohmyzsh#5475)

* Added pacaur aliases

This commit removes most of its contents: it just leaves the
contribution signature. The rest is obsolete and superseeded
by ohmyzsh#5460, but the contribution is still valuable.

Related: ohmyzsh#4263.

Signed-off-by: Marc Cornellà <>

* Add pacaur compatibility to archlinux plugin + refactor

* Updated README of the archlinux plugin

* Fix small copy-editing mistake in archlinux README

* Add alias for signed git commit with message (ohmyzsh#5390)

Signed-off-by: Mat Munn <>

* Implement a locking mechanism to avoid multiple update prompts (fixes ohmyzsh#3766)

* Use rmdir instead of rm -r

* Convert "if then" statements to "if; then" one-liners

* Added simple support for Cargo -
the Rust build system

* Revert "Change confusing 12h-time without AM/PM to system-localized time"

This reverts commit 06d52a6.

* Change confusing 12h without AM/PM to a clean 24h display.
It was not possible to simply add AM/PM since strftime return blank for %p %P

* feat(plugin): add nomad

* feat(nomad): add common commands and new readme

* Add completion for cargo, the rust build tool

Copy of the official repository:

Signed-off-by: Marc Cornellà <>

* Add README for the cargo plugin

* Add an alias for React Native Link command (ohmyzsh#5491)

* Add jgitflow maven goals (ohmyzsh#5489)

* Fix cp plugin completion and refactor (ohmyzsh#5427)

* cp plugin: change cpv to function so that completion works

* cp plugin: show numbers in units of 1024 (K,M,G,T)

Use `-h` level (3): output numbers in units of 1024.
See the manpage of rsync for more information.

* cp plugin: add a README file

* cp plugin: recurse directories

* cp plugin: remove `--` to separate files from options

This has some undesired effects, like having `cpv --help` be a file
not found error.

Use `--` yourself if you need it (which you generally don't):

cpv -- -some-file-with-hyphens.txt /tmp

Added this same info to the README.

* set better default colors for GNU ls instead of none.

GNU coreutils ship a color setup command by default which can be used to
set a good default color theme for ls:

* Use `$commands[]` to check for command existence

* Only set default LS_COLORS if not set before

Also, force the use of Bourne-style shell syntax with `dircolors -b`.

* Fix style of theme-and-appearance.zsh

* specify globalias modes

* README for globalias

* fix comment

* Fix formatting and usage section


- Changes `globes` (which doesn't exist) to `glob expressions`.

- Delete the `trigger autocompletion to your current aliases` use case, since that's not
  really implemented.

* Update per-directory-history plugin to latest version (ohmyzsh#5493)

Latest version: February 17, 2016 - dd81201

* Fix compdef commands in git plugin

The command `compdef command=git` returns an error in some cases, the
appropriate command is `compdef _git command`.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5442

* Add non 0 exit code for missing jump targets (ohmyzsh#5500)

This allows for the user to combine the jump command with something else. In my example cd and jump are now combined like this:

jumpcd() {
        jump $1 > /dev/null || cd $1
alias cd="jumpcd"

* Add m4a format in the common aliases plugin (ohmyzsh#5502)

The m4a file format can be opened in the command line with mplayer

* remove duplicate alias (ohmyzsh#5508)

Removing one "apt-get autoremove" alias because it is duplicated.

* Take advantage of LS_COLORS for the color of completion if GNU ls is used. (ohmyzsh#5510)

* Use OSTYPE instead of uname whenever possible for better speed. (ohmyzsh#5496)

* Use $+commands to check the existence of a command in clipboard.zsh. (ohmyzsh#5519)

* Fix ls colouring for Darwin. (ohmyzsh#5516)

* Fix ls coloring in MacOS if gls is not installed

Fixes ohmyzsh#5520.

* readme change OS X to macOS

Change OS X to macOS in the read me file in line with apples rebranding
of the operating system.

* Display suvash prompt w/o Ruby; refactor code

* Update bira theme (ohmyzsh#4954)

* Add '#' instead of '$' when in root
* Make return code bold

* Fix regex for optional http(s), and variable reference inside osascript.

* Update README with grammar corrections (ohmyzsh#5503)

* Change from OSX to macOS in README (ohmyzsh#5545)

* Update docker completion (2015-10-25)

Closes ohmyzsh#5568


* Change link to agnoster wiki + format changes

* add docker-compose down alias (ohmyzsh#5557)

* add docker-compose down alias

* rename `docker-compose down` alias to `dcdn`

* Add more simulator aliases (ohmyzsh#5550)

* Add brew completion missing disclaimer

* Clarify how to open ~/.zshrc file in

Closes ohmyzsh#5558

* PHP suffix alias should be removed

PHP can be executed as CLI script but due to the automated attempt
to add browser support to that extension such ability is prevented
in certain circumstances.

* common-aliases: check if $BROWSER is defined on browser aliases

* common-aliases: minor style fixes

* common-aliases: check if `$XIVIEWER` is defined and minor fixes

* znt: Update to v2.2.7 (ohmyzsh#5576)

* Check dircolors settings before using gls on darwin (ohmyzsh#5570)

`gls` seems to be installed by default or on most macOS systems, but its
default color scheme sucks. This fix will make sure to only use it if it
has been customised prior to running OMZ.

Related: ohmyzsh#5516, ohmyzsh#5520.

* Fix invalid "ls -G" alias.

* node: open module-specific node documentation (ohmyzsh#5572)

* Changed dsa --> rsa in zshrc.zsh-template file (ohmyzsh#5603)

* Fix ohmyzsh#5604: No DIR ( directory ) colors (ohmyzsh#5605)

* dircycle: fix error on insert-cycledleft if dirstack is empty

* Update endpoint from HTTP to HTTPS (ohmyzsh#5622)

* brew: fix disclaimer shown if mkdir is aliased

Fixes ohmyzsh#5623.

* fix(env): Do not override misc env set before sourcing oh-my-zsh (ohmyzsh#5231)

Sourcing oh-my-zsh happens in zshrc, which will override settings of
profile and zshenv.  Treat misc values, `PAGER` and `LESS`, as default
settings without overriding existing values.

Fixes: #1, ohmyzsh#3016

* feat: no CI on WIP commits (ohmyzsh#5643)

* Yarn ( completion support (ohmyzsh#5542)

* yarn completion

* Add plugin for Swift Package Manager (ohmyzsh#5670)

* Add plugin for Swift Package Manager
* swift-package-manager: Rename plugin to 'swift-pm'

* swift-pm: Rename plugin to 'swiftpm' (ohmyzsh#5674)

* Precise Unix-based wording 

Closes ohmyzsh#5681

* Fix (plugins debian and ubuntu): `apt-history list` using `zgrep` (ohmyzsh#5695)

Changing from `zcat` to `zgrep` because some `zcat` implementations do not work
if the file is not compressed.

* gradle: extract simple task names from subproject tasks (ohmyzsh#5704)

Currently, only tasks with complete subproject specifier are added to
.gradletasknamecache. Gradle commands can be called for all (sub-)projects
they are defined for, using their name as defined in the subproject, here
called "simple" task names. One example is "gradle clean".

This patch adds support for parsing out those "simple" task names from the list
of fully specified task names. The .gradletasknamecache file will contain
both the fully specified names, and the "simple" names for your autocompletion

* add dotenv plugin (ohmyzsh#4373)

* docker: update completion (upstream 2fe62f2)

Closes ohmyzsh#5683

* Add git alias for staging tracked files (ohmyzsh#5178)

Although `gaa` (git add --all) is cool, it stages every file, tracked or
not, if it is not on .gitignore.

Sometimes we want to just stage everything we are working on, that is
already tracked. For that reason, 'gau' can save us some time.

* Add file completion to `mix run` (ohmyzsh#5673)

* Add a React Native alias, and one to start the web server (ohmyzsh#5711)

* Add a React Native alias, and one to start the web server

* Reorganise aliases in react-native plugin

* Update README for react-native plugin:

  Fix format and add a brief description
  Add missing aliases in react-native plugin README

* Add heroku `features` command to completion (ohmyzsh#5667)

* Update react-native autocomplete arguments (ohmyzsh#5646)

* Add mvn asciidoctor commands (ohmyzsh#5645)

* Add mvn asciidoctor commands
* Fix formatting in mvn plugin

* Add more information to cask plugin README

*  'lib/completion.zsh: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'lib/functions.zsh: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/droplr/ Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/gnu-utils/gnu-utils.plugin.zsh: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/history-substring-search/history-substring-search.zsh: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/scala/_scala: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/suse/suse.plugin.zsh: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/terraform/_terraform: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/ubuntu/ Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/ubuntu/ubuntu.plugin.zsh: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/z/README: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'plugins/z/z.1: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'themes/half-life.zsh-theme: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'themes/pure.zsh-theme: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'themes/steeef.zsh-theme: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

*  'themes/trapd00r.zsh-theme: Solve typos'

Signed-off-by: Patrick José Pereira <>

* Improve UX for Spotify quit command in osx plugin (ohmyzsh#5726)

* Improve UX for Spotify commands in osx plugin

Spotify command UX is a bit weak for people who live and work almost entirely in shells.
- `spotify quit` should not open Spotify if it is not already running. Should confirm that Spotify is indeed not running.
- `spotify quit` should not blow away the user's shell once Spotify is quit. This can be a disruption to work flow.

This PR looks to add a few little checks which will help improve this experience.
This PR also adds a space to line 477 between `break` and `;;` for consistency. Doesn't seem like a big enough change to put in its own PR.

* Rearranging output as per peer feedback

* osx plugin's spotify: change quitting w/ closing

Closing is more idiomatic English.

* chore: update license years (ohmyzsh#5737)

* Improved gradle options (arguments) completion (ohmyzsh#5743)

* Sort gradle options for autocompletion

This will allow us to more easily keep the options list up-to-date

* Add missing gradle options to gradle plugin

Reflect documentation at

* Adding new path to look for (ohmyzsh#5654)

If autoenv was installed with pip and modifier --user, will be at .local/bin

* Change af-magic theme's branch color (ohmyzsh#5730)

* Add goodreads search provider (ohmyzsh#5778)

* add missing new line escape (ohmyzsh#5896)

missing \ was causing command not found errors when tab completing docker build -t <tab>

* Update composer.plugin.zsh (ohmyzsh#5889)

Adds remove/global remove and optimize-autoloader commands.

* Fixing battery prompt formatting issue (cf ohmyzsh#5894) (ohmyzsh#5895)

Signed-off-by: Guyzmo <>

* Use proper config bin directory (ohmyzsh#5886)

Add the proper config bin directory to `PATH` instead of the previously (incorrect) fixed `~/.composer/vendor/bin`. Nowadays the right config dir is `~/.config/composer/vendor/bin`.

* Added pacman file aliases (ohmyzsh#5869)

* itunes playlist first commit (ohmyzsh#5860)

Added playlist feature for the itunes command: 
if a variable is passed and is valid - will play the playlist
if a variable is passed and is invalid(no such playlist) - will stop all playing
if no variable is passed will print all playlists available on the host

* Updating README intro

* Add file general structure

* rewrite of contribution guidelines

* Contributing: simple english, formatting

* contributing: mention testing

* Rename pure theme to 'refined'

* Add file general structure

* rewrite of contribution guidelines

* Contributing: simple english, formatting

* contributing: mention testing

* contributing: "correct" -> "expected" behavior
ohmyzsh#3770 (comment)

* contributing: improve PR section

* contributing: "eg" -> "e.g." because oxford

* Remove wrong whitespace in bira theme (ohmyzsh#5985)

The whitespace in line 13 creates a double whitespace when combined with line 24. Therefore 2 whitespaces appear between ${user_host} and ${current_dir}.

* Add deprecation notice to pure theme

* Fix host display in nebirhos theme

Fixes ohmyzsh#6028

* Fix RKJ theme coloring and make it slightly more readable (ohmyzsh#5582)

* Adding `glogd` to preetty print git graph with dates.
seth-cohen pushed a commit to seth-cohen/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue Oct 29, 2018
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
jmartindf pushed a commit to jmartindf/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue Nov 10, 2018
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
chihchun pushed a commit to chihchun/oh-my-zsh that referenced this issue Aug 6, 2019
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
spiliopoulos pushed a commit to spiliopoulos/zsh-config that referenced this issue Jun 17, 2020
Changes gke, glol and glola aliases.

Fixes ohmyzsh#5362
Luxcium added a commit to LuxciumProject/ahmyzsh that referenced this issue Sep 20, 2020

Copyright (c) 2009-2020 Robby Russell and

TAnks to those who have contributed to fix those 20+ issues:


and those who help develop
theses aliases and function
whith theses Pull 40+ Requests:

Signed-off-by: Benjamin Vincent (Luxcium) <>
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