MIT's 6.824 (Distributed System), original code: git://
src/kvraft: a Key-Value store based on Raft
- apply the Raft to state machines to implement a KV store
- NEW FEATURE!: support log snapshot and compaction
- based on the algorithm described in Log Compaction in Raft's section 5.3 (but my implementation is very naive and simple, it's not very efficient)
- other reference: blahgeek's implementation
src/raft: implementation of The Raft Consensus Algorithm
- almost supports all features described in the paper:
- leader election
- append entries
- log consistence
- recovery after crash
- resilient to unreliable network such as network partition, message reorder and message lost
- note1: cluster membership must be static
note2: test_test.go is the test file of this project. Please only run part of these test functions at one time, otherwise, it may throw the error of running too many go routines.(Problem of race condition, solved)
- almost supports all features described in the paper:
src/mapreduce: MapReduce framework, used for getting familiar with the source and Go.
- implement sequential and distributed MapReduce framework
- handle worker failure
- implement 2 MapReduce task: word-count, and invert-list