Developers that use Kabanero pipelines often times have to extend these pipelines to do certain tasks that do not come in the out-of-the-box Kabanero pipelines. These tasks may include code coverage, or use third party applications like Pact Broker, Sonarqube or Artifactory to full-fill software requirements. Currently, there are not many methods to manage and version control your Kabanero pipelines, and the goal of this repository is to help you get going.
You will learn how to package, host your pipelines in different environments such as Git or Artifactory and use these pipelines to automate the process of updating the kabanero custom resource to a respective host where your Kabanero pipelines exist.
- Extend, Build & Deploy Kabanero Pipelines
- Overview
- Pre-requisites
- Package pipelines
- Host packaged-pipelines on Artifactory
- Host packaged-pipelines on Git Manually
- Deploy packaged pipelines onto the kabanero namespace
- Host pipelines without version control
- Create tekton webhook
- Definitions
This repository includes 3 directories, experimental
(pipelines that are not production-ready and are considered,
proof of concept),incubator
(pipelines that are not production-ready and require further development to satisfy the stable criteria.)
and stable
(pipelines that are production ready).
This repository also contains multiple /pipelines/ such as artifactory-package-release-update, git-package-release-update and mcm-pipelines. The repository also contains a ./ script file which helps automate the process of deploying your pipelines as git releases.
There are multiple approaches on packaging and releasing your pipelines. Both the artifactory-package-release-update
& git-package-release-update
pipelines do the same thing, package, manage
and deploy your custom pipelines, except hosted in different environments. For example, the artifactory-package-release-update
pipeline, packages your
pipelines and host them onto Artifactory, where as the git-package-release-update
are hosted as git releases. The goal of this repository
is to get you going in managing your custom made pipelines.
The mcm-pipelines
contains the tasks of building, testing, pushing an image and a healthcheck of a nodejs application. It also
does a sonar-scan
for code coverage.
Install the following CLI's on your laptop/workstation:
To package your pipelines you must run the
script as shown below:
Enter 1
to set up your environment, containerize your pipelines and release them to a registry.
Ensure to update the variables (optional if you want to deploy an image of your pipelines onto a registry)
in with your corresponding registry values.
# Publish images to image registry
# Credentials for publishing images:
export IMAGE_REGISTRY=your-image-registry
export IMAGE_REGISTRY_USERNAME=your-image-registry-username
export IMAGE_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=your-image-password
# Organization for images
export IMAGE_REGISTRY_ORG=your-org-name
# Name of pipelines-index image (ci/
export INDEX_IMAGE=pipelines-index
# Version or snapshot identifier for pipelines-index (ci/
$ ./
======================== AUTOMATOR SCRIPT =================================
Do you want to
1) Set up environment, containerzied pipelines and release them to a registry?
2) Add, commit and push your latest changes to github?
3) Create a git release for your pipelines?
4) Upload an asset to a git release version?
5) Update the Kabanero CR custom resource with a release?
6) Add a stable pipeline release version to the Kabanero custom resource?
enter a number > 1
**************** BEGIN SETTING UP ENV, PACKAGE AND RELEASE ***************
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/tasks/igc-nodejs-test.yaml
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/tasks/nodejs-build-push-task.yaml
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/tasks/nodejs-image-scan-task.yaml
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/tasks/gitops.yaml
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/tasks/health-check-task.yaml
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/pipelines/nodejs-mcm-pl.yaml
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/templates/nodejs-mcm-pl-template.yaml
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/bindings/nodejs-mcm-pl-push-binding.yaml
Asset name: mcm-pipelines/bindings/nodejs-mcm-pl-pullrequest-binding.yaml
Asset name: manifest.yaml
--- Created kabanero-pipelines.tar.gz
Failed building image
IMAGE_REGISTRY_PUBLISH=false; Skipping push of
IMAGE_REGISTRY_PUBLISH=false; Skipping push of
IMAGE_REGISTRY_PUBLISH=false; Skipping push of
IMAGE_REGISTRY_PUBLISH=false; Skipping push of
You will see a new zip file under ci/assets/
You need to deploy Artifactory on your openshift cluster
You need to generate an API Key. Then you need to go to
artifactory-config.yaml and update the artifactory_key
. Once done, run the following
oc project kabanero
cd ./configmaps
oc apply -f artifactory-config.yaml
Then go to pipelines make any modifications you want to do to any of the pipelines, or include your own. If you do include your pipelines, use the skeleton to add your modified pipelines, tasks, bindings, and templates.
cd pipelines/experimental
oc apply --recursive --filename pipelines/experminetal/artifactory-package-release-update/
Go to the dashboard and verify that the artifactory-package-release-update-pl
has been added to the tekton dashboard
Go to section Create tekton webhook to create your webhook.
Once you are done with that go to your forked repository and make a change and your tekton dashboard should create a
new pipeline run as shown below:
You could also manually trigger your pipelines
Where the git-source
is defined as the pipeline resource with key [url] and value [github repo url]
The end result should look like the following:
You will first need to package your pipelines. To do that go to the package-pipelines
After you are done with that step you will notice a new file named default-kabanero-pipelines.tar.gz
which includes your pipelines along with their corresponding checksum values. You will use this file to upload
as an asset on github.
But first, create a new repository i.e named pipeline-server
on github and follow the steps as shown on the gif.
You need to create a github token and need to create a .gitconfig file such as:
~/Documents/devops-demo-kabanero-pipelines/ cat ~/.gitconfig
name = firstname.lastname
email =
token = your-token
You need to fork this repo and clone via https.
git clone
cd devops-demo-kabanero-pipelines
You need another repository to host your pipelines. i.e pipelines-server to create git-releases.
mkdir pipeline-server
cd pipeline-server
git init
cat >>
Hello this is my pipeline-server repo press (ctrl+d to save)
git add
git commit -m "added"
git push
Now is the time to make any changes you wish to make, or you can use the custom pipelines we have provided for you.
You need to create an access token on the tekton dashboard or cli in the kabanero namespace.
Earlier you created a github token on the github dashboard. You will need to get that token or generate another one and
paste it below.
Webhook Settings:
Name: devops-demo-kabanero-pipelines
Repistory-url: your forked repo url goes here
Access Token: Token you generated previously
Target Pipeline Settings
Namespace: kabanero
Pipeline: Choose artifactory-package-release-update-pl or git-package-release-update-pl
Service Account: Pipeline
Docker Registry: or
You can but not recommended non-version control your pipelines by running the following command
oc apply --recursive --filename pipelines/{pick expiermental, incubator or stable}
Artifactory - is a Binary Repository Manager product from Jfrog.
Github Releases - Releases are GitHub's way of packaging and providing software to your users.
Docker - a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers.
Openshift - is a family of containerization software developed by Red Hat.
Tekton - a powerful yet flexible Kubernetes-native open-source framework for creating continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) systems
Tekton Events - An EventListener sets up a Kubernetes Service which can be exposed as an OpenShift Route
Tekton TriggerBindings - enable you to capture fields from an event and store them as parameters.
Tekton Templates - defines a Template for how a Pipeline should be run in reaction to events
Tekton Pipelines - is an open source project that you can use to configure and run continuous integration and Continuous Delivery pipelines within a Kubernetes cluster.
Tekton Steps - A Step is a reference to a container image that executes a specific tool on a specific input and produces a specific output.
Tekton Tasks - is a collection of Steps that you define and arrange in a specific order of execution as part of your continuous integration flow.