The Unofficial RESTful API server and test Python3 scripts to control the BlinkStick Square device.
- A BlinkStick Square device.
- Data transfer capable cable from Micro USB Male to USB 1.1/2.0/3.0 Male.
- A Python 3.12+ +pip3 working enviroment setup.
- Clone the repository with the following commands:
git clone
git submodule update --init
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Install
with the commandbrew install libusb
. - Use
to allow USB access when executingpython
. - Check if BlinkStick visible in the following places/ways (if not replug it):
- System Information > USB.
- Running:
system_profiler SPUSBDataType
orioreg -p IOUSB
. - Running: My MacOS utility.
- Alternatively, lsusb (A `system_profiler`` wrapper in Bash).
- Add User's Python Path, +R > Run: sysdm.cpl > Environment Variables > System Variables > Path > Edit
- Execute
taskkill /f /im "uvicorn.exe"
ortaskkill /f /im "python.exe"
to kill any running server.
- Close (quit) BlinkStick Client App as it will block the USB device.
- Follow the instructions to install usbipd-win described by Microsoft here.
- First, inside your WSL2 Linux:
sudo apt install linux-tools-generic hwdata
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/local/bin/usbip usbip /usr/lib/linux-tools/*-generic/usbip 20
cat - | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-blinkstick.rules <<EOF
# BlinkStick Square - Allow user to read or write to the device
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTRS{idProduct}=="41e5", MODE="0666"
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
- Second, from Windows list and attach the device to the WSL2 Linux:
# Windows Command Prompt (CMD) as Administrator
C:\Windows\System32>usbipd wsl list
2-2 20a0:41e5 USB Input Device Not Attached
C:\Windows\System32>usbipd wsl attach --busid=2-2
C:\Windows\System32>usbipd wsl list
2-2 20a0:41e5 USB Input Device Attached - WSL
- Third, inside the WSL2 Linux list the device:
# WSL2 Linux Shell
$ apt install usbutils
$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 20a0:41e5 Clay Logic BlinkStick
export BS_SQ_API_USERNAME="admin" # If not set, defaults to "admin"
export BS_SQ_API_PASSWORD="strong-password" # If not set, defaults to random value
docker compose up -d
docker logs blinkstick_square
- Start the server with the following command:
uvicorn server:app
python # Alternative
- Head to http://localhost:8000/ API frontend.
- Click on 'Authorize' button and enter the credentials
- Expand the GET methods and click on 'Try it out' option.
- Fill out the parameters and click on 'Execute' button.
See for details of environment and the lastest tests coverage.
python3 # Tests
sh coverage/ # Coverage Unix-Like
pwsh coverage\coverage.ps1 # Coverage Windows
The output of the test/coverage is shown below (source):
- BlinkStick:
- Unix-Like:
- Windows:
- SRC:
- API:
- Coverage:
- FastAPI:
- UviCorn:
- WLS2 Connect USB Devices:
- Testing USB Hardware/Drivers on Windows: