This is a stop-motion animation program which is made to be MODERN, EASY, MULTIPLATFORM and FAST.
The application is written in C++, based on OpenGL 2.1/ES 2.0 and SDL.
Currently supported/tested platforms:
- Linux x64
- Windows x64
Works, but it's unstable:
- MacOS x64
This application also works on ARM processors (Raspberry Pi and other).
Please report any bugs and problems in this program. It helps a lot! Ideas are also welcome ;)
- Open/Save Project
- Export to GIF
- Frame selector (Create/remove frame, duplicate frame)
- History (Undo/redo)
- Tool: Pencil
- Tool: Line
- Tool: Spray
- Tool: Bucket fill
- Tool: Pipette
- Tool: Eraser
- Tool: Rectangle
- Tool: Resize (still WIP)
- Zoomable viewport
- Dynamic Rotatable viewport
- Scalable GUI
- Theme manager with config files (still WIP)
Layer support
Color selector
Ghosting (more options)
- Import animation
- Export PNG strip
- use FFMPEG (avcodec) for everything
- "Play animation" button
- Tool: Brush (draw using any image)
- Tool: Circle
- Tool: Select
- Copy/paste
- Compressed history (less RAM usage, more history actions)
- Compressed frames not in use
- Change key bindings
- GUI settings (in menu)
- Tablet pressure support (I'm waiting for the SDL library)
- Left Shift: Rotate viewport
LMB: Use tool (draw)
MMB: Pick color
RMB: Drag viewport
Mouse wheel: Zoom in/out
1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9: Scale viewport to (1:1, 2:1, 3:1 etc.) and reset viewport rotation
Space: Toggle ghosting visibility
CTRL+Z: Undo
CTRL+Y: Redo
Left/Right: Change frames
F3: Show FPS
F4: Toggle fullscreen
F5: Toggle VSync
F6: Toggle FPS limit
F7: Decrease FPS limit
F8: Increase FPS limit
Esc: Open menu
-/+: Scale GUI
End: Restart application (for testing purposes)