API development using a Machine Learning model
- Develop an API making use of a trained machine learning model.
- Use GIT version control concept through the API development.
- The API should include testing, code formating, logging and user login features.
- The API should be executable.
- Implement a CI/CD pipeline for additional credits.
- Documentation and presentation should be available upon submission.
- The API is to process a single digit (from 0 to 9) audio signal and return the corresponding predicted digit using ML model in the backend.
- The selected machine learning model for this project is the audio MNIST (Dataset, code) which identifies digits from audio inputs.
Disclaimer: the ML model was trained to a 94% test accuracy but does not generalize on all real life test cases due to the reduced dataset size. Training the ML model on additional / augmented data is out of the project'scope.
- The basic input method is through file selection. Additional developments are listed below if time permits..
- Capture single digit audio signal from microphone.
- Capture multiple digit audio signal from microphone and return sequence of predicted digits.
- Use multiple digit audio prediction for user login.
- Use augmented / additional data to improve generalization on model prediction (male/female voices, accents, etc).
- Environment setup :
# Use virtualenv package to create a virtual python environment:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
# Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:olivier-2018/SoftwareEngg_project.git --branch development
# Create a virtual environment within the repo:
virtualenv venv
# Activate the virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set Flask environment variables:
export FLASK_APP=run.py
export FLASK_ENV=development (or production, or testing as required)
export SECRETE_KEY="<whatever you want>" (optional, Flask will assign a secret hash if unset)
Windows powershell:
$env:FLASK_APP = 'run.py'
$env:FLASK_ENV = 'development' (or 'production', or 'testing' as required)
$env: SECRETE_KEY = <whatever you want> (optional, Flask will assign a secret hash if unset)
- Launch the API locally:
flask run
Note: on WSL you may need to export the display with an Xserver to run flask
- The API will automatically deploy to Heroku upon succesful build on the main branch.
Note: The Heroku app address is kept private not to reach the free account usage limit during the app development.
- Unit and functional testing functions are located in the "tests" folder.
- Testing is automatic as part of the CI/CD pipeline but can also be launched manually using the command:
pytest -vrxXs