Make sure you have python 3.8.7 or higher.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
use_proxy (0 - Proxyless | 1 - Proxy).
proxy_type (1 - HTTPS | 2 - SOCKS4 | 3 - SOCKS5).
threads (Higher means faster performance, but more chance for inaccurate results).
webhook_enable (0 - Disable webhook support | 1 - Enable webhook support).
webhook_url (You have to enter your webhook url here).
This was merely a speedrun to demonstrate how email access checkers work.
The software designed to perform website security testing.
The author is not responsible for any illegal use of these programs.
I am not accountable for anything you get into.
I am not accountable for any of your actions.
This is 100% educational, please do not misuse this tool.
BTC: 3LGmaUUCQtGT6xX6nLUGBCU5e93eys8rJv