Simple tool which checks if a spotify account is valid or not.
Make sure you have python 3.8.7 or higher.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
use_proxy (0 - Proxyless | 1 - Proxy).
proxy_type (1 - HTTPS | 2 - SOCKS4 | 3 - SOCKS5).
threads (Higher means faster performance, but more chance for inaccurate results).
webhook_enable (0 - Disable webhook support | 1 - Enable webhook support).
webhook_url (You have to enter your webhook url here).
This was merely a speedrun to demonstrate how account checkers work.
This is illegal if you use this without the consent of the owners (in this case, the Spotify team).
The software designed to perform website security testing.
The author is not responsible for any illegal use of these programs.
I am not accountable for anything you get into.
I am not accountable for any of your actions.
This is 100% educational, please do not misuse this tool.
BTC: 3LGmaUUCQtGT6xX6nLUGBCU5e93eys8rJv