A simple module and scripts for transitioning Jira tickets based on Github commit messages.
Export environment settings for:
JIRA_EMAIL <Jira login email> JIRA_PASSWORD <Jira login password> JIRA_URL <Jira url, eg "https://org_name.atlassian.net" > JIRA_ID <The Jira id added before ticket numbers, eg TT for TT-1234> GIT_USERNAME=<Github username> GIT_PASSWORD=<Github password> GIT_ORG=<organization or username for the Github project, eg l33tnom for https://github.com/l33tnom/foobar> GIT_REPO=<project name, eg foobar in the GIT_ORG example above>
jirit show <commit_hash_from> <commit_hash_to>
jirit deploy <commit_hash_from> <commit_hash_to> <transition name> <match tag> <dry run>
This will trigger the <transition name> for Jira ticket if there is a git commit referenced in the git commit range, and the commit includes the tag #<match tag>. If the <dry run> flag is true then it will only display the possible transitioned issues without doing the Jira transition.
pip install twine python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel twine upload -s dist/jirit-1.3.5*