This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
rails new foodrecipes --database=postgresql configure the database.yml file rake db:create rails g controller recipes resources :recipes #to generate the crud routes for our recipes app root "recipes#index" #to creATE the index file
rails g model Recipe title:string description:text user_id:integer
we need to have the ability to create nested forms so we use the cocoon gem to achieve this gem 'cocoon', '~> 1.2', '>= 1.2.9'
//after requiring the cocoon gem in application.js for nested forms we now create the ingredient model //rails g model Ingredient name:string recipe:belongs_to
//lets add multiple steps rails g model Direction steps:text recipe:belongs_to
we now go to the recipe.rb and type has_many :ingredients has_many :directions we now copy and paste the accept nested attributes
rails g devise:install config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost', port: 3000 } rails g devise:views rails g devise User rake db:migrate
rules of pushing to heroku from windows: firstly make sure all the gems are in the global settings, not on any group secondly make sure all the files in the bin folder has a line ending of unix style then remove exe from the bundle, rails, rake files, making the header look like #!/usr/bin/env ruby how to upload apps to heroku in windows git init git add . git commit -m "" heroku create git push heroku master heroku run db:migrate heroku open
rails c @recipe = Recipe.last //grabs the last recipe for us, we notice that the user_id is nil TO SOLVE THE BCRYPT ERROR IN WINDOWS I solve it with uninstall all bcrypt gem versions with gem uninstall bcrypt and select option 3 (if exist) and uninstall all bcrypt-ruby gem versions with gem uninstall bcrypt-ruby and select option 3 (if exist) then install bcrypt using gem install bcrypt --platform=ruby then add this line gem 'bcrypt', platforms: :ruby to Gemfile
We now go to the controller and change the create method
how to git in windows I assume you are on a windows system like me and have GIT installed. You can either run these commands by simple command prompt in the project directory or you can also use GitBash.
Step 1: Create a repository in GIT manually. Give it whatever name you seem fit.
Step 2: Come to your local project directory. If you want to publish your code to this new repository you just created make sure that in the projects root directory there is no folder name .git, if there is delete it. Run command git init
Step 3: Run command git add .
step 4: Run command git commit -m YourCommitName
Step 5: Run command git remote add YourRepositoryName
Step 6: Run Command git push --set-upstream YourRepositoryName master --force
Please note that I am using the latest version of GIT at the time of writing. Also note that I did not specify any particular branch to push the code into so it went to master. In step 6 the GIT will ask you to authorize the command by asking you to enter username and password in a popup window.
Hope my answer helped.