Differential Gene Expression and Correlation Network Analysis of RNA-Seq Data From Upland Chorus Frog (P. feriarum) brains
This repository contains scripts (R and Java) and input data asssociated to the manuscript published in BMC Bioinformatics titled: Neurogenomic Divergence During Speciation by Reinforcement of Mating Behaviors in Chorus Frogs (Pseudacris). The manuscript can be accessed using DOI: 10.1186/s12864-021-07995-3. Java code was contributed by Alan Lemmon and Python code by Oscar Ospina. Code in other languages contributed by Alan Lemmon and Oscar Ospina.
The scripts and input files were used to detect differentially expressed genes in the brain associated with synaptic trasnmission, as well as overall gene expression patterns. An R script used to generate weighted correlation networks (WGCNA) is included. Code to extract raw counts from BAM files is also provided.
The rawReadCounter
folder contains scripts and an example file to obtain raw counts from
BAM files (brain RNA-seq data mapped to P. feriarum reference transcriptome).
: An example of input file (sample I29357, allopatric female) from which raw counts were obtained. This file was directly extracted from the headers of the corresponding BAM file.rawReadCounter/code/ExtractRawCountsFromCovBed2*
: Counts reads mapped to a given transcript. Produces one file per sample. The counter is wrapped to loop through all samples via degetRawCounts.sh
: Takes output fles produced by the java raw counter and puts them together in a .csv table (input for edgeR and most downstream analyses).
The IdentifyCandidateTranscripts
folder contains the script to find genes relevant to synaptic
transmission during acoustic processing within the reference transcriptome generated in this study.
: This Java script uses a list of pre-selected terms (Additional File 12 of the supplemental materials) and the reference transcriptome annotations (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4709988). The list of genes related to synaptic transmission tested in this procedure was extracted from neurophysiological studies.
The CandidateDEAnalysis
folder includes a script and input data to test for differential
expression of synaptic transmission genes as selected by ExtractCandidatesFromAnnotation3.java
: An RMarkdown document to run the R script detecting differentially expressed genes viaedgeR
. The output includes likelihood-ratio tests results, p-values, and FDR corrections.CandidateDEAnalysis/inputs/CandidateTranscriptsFinal.xlsx
: The list of selected synaptic transmission genes to test.CandidateDEAnalysis/inputs/samples.csv
: Metadata of RNA-seq samples used in this study. The same file is used for DE analysis on the whole transcriptome.CandidateDEAnalysis/inputs/sumRawCounts.csv
: Raw counts obtained from BAM files of mapped RNA-seq reads of P. feriarum brains. The same file is used for DE analysis on the whole transcriptome.
The wholeTranscriptomeDEGenes
folder contains the code and inputs to test for differentially
expressed genes on the whole brain RNA-seq counts.
: This RMarkdown document contains the R code to test for differentially expressed genes in the whole brain RNA-seq transcriptome. It uses the same raw counts and sample metadata ofCandidateDEAnalysis
: An R function that outputs a matrix for generation of heatmaps.wholeTranscriptomeDEGenes/inputs/sprotAnnots_Trinotate_UniqueGenes_SYMBOLS.txt
: A file containing Trinity contig IDs and their Uniprot symbols for annotation of DE genes.
The wgcna_RNAseq
folder contains the script for generation of a weighted correlation
network analysis (WGNCA).
: This R script generates a weighted correlation network of the most variable genes among the samples. It takes as input the raw count file and sample metadata in theCandidateDEAnalysis
folder. The script also performs gene set enrichment analysis viag:Profiler
The RandomizationTests
folder contains code and input data to generate randomization tests
for significant enrichment of synaptic activity-related genes within the WGCNA.
: R code to perform randomization tests on the WGCNA modules to test for enrichment in synaptic activity genes.RandomizationTests/code/wgcna_moduleRandomization.R
: R code to perform randomization of WGCNA modules.RandomizationTests/inputs/CPM_normalized_counts.csv.zip
: The counts-per-million (CPM) normalized matrix, resulting from processing of the raw counts of brain RNA-seq reads.RandomizationTests/inputs/ModuleSummary.txt
: Summary data from the WGCNA.RandomizationTests/inputs/ModuleSummaryExpanded_Geo.txt
: Input to perform WGCNA module randomizations.
The geneexpr_div
contains R code and input data to generate trees of gene expression.
: R code to create trees from expression counts.geneexpr_div/inputs/IndGroups.csv
: Input to run script performing gene expression trees.
The MDSAllDEGenes
folder contains R code to generate a multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot of
the samples. The code uses the CPM normalized counts in the RandomizationTests
: Text files containing the genes showing significantly different expression levels between groups.MDSAllDEGenes/code/MDS_AllDE.R
: R script to generate the MDS plot.
The PValueHIstogram
includes code and data to generate histograms of the nominal p-values of
the differential gene expression tests.
: The two files contain the results of all the differential expression likelihood ratio tests (significant or not), comparing allopatric vs. sympatric frogs, and females vs. males.PValueHIstogram/code/PlotPValueHistogram.R
: The R code to generate the histograms.
The vennDiagram
folder includes data and a Python script to get common Trinity contig IDs
among all comparisons in the differential gene expression tests.
: List of differentially expressed genes (Trinity IDs) for all performed comparisons.vennDiagram/code/intersections.py
: Python script to get common genes among comparisons.