Prerequisites for building the project OpenScanTools in Debug, Release
- Download the installer at
- Install version 5.15.2 and the corresponding binaries for your developpement environment (i.e. MSVC 2019 64-bit)
- /!\ Qt 6 is not supported.
- source code and optional Qt modules are not needed (it can save a lot of space)
- Allow for executing binaries by adding the current path to your "PATH" environment variable: <qt_install_dir>5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin\
- Download the version 1.2.148 (or higher) at
- Install the SDK. You can let the default installation location or choose another. In any case the ENV variables are automatically configured.
- Warning: if your user name (in Windows) contains a space, you may have shaders compiling errors in case the code is copied in your user folder. If so, move the code in a path with no space.
- General project properties:
- right-click on the project "OpenScanTools" -> Properties
- Debugging -> Working Directory -> set to
- Do this for every compilation configuration
It is a plugin needed to compile the Qt dependencies (moc, ui, qrc).
You can find it in Tools->Extensions and Updates->Qt Visual Stutio Tools.
Add the path where Qt is installed on your machine in:
- Qt VS Tools->Qt Options->Qt Versions->Add (i.e.
- Download the doxygen 1.9.1 at
- Install it. The ENV variables aren't automatically configured. Add the doxygen/bin path to your system path.
- You can generate the doc (in the "doc" folder) with generateDoc.bat
- Download and install the last version of Inno Setup :
- Launch OpenScanTools.sln solution with Visual Studio
- Yan Koch: Founder - Product manager, specialist of industrial 3D scanning, compulsive creator of user stories :-),
- Robin Kervadec: Senior Developer, creator of the 3D point cloud engine (Vulkan), 3D rendering, software architecture, scan conversion, and many cool features...
- Quentin Moiteaux: Junior Developer: many features like the import export of 3D models, tree structure, annotations, animation module...
- Lucas Silve: advanced Maths, objects detection, raytracing, analysis tools...
- Aurélien Milliat: Senior Developer: software architecture, clipping & multi-clipping features, gridded boxes, VR specialist and Teacher (I'm sorry we didn't create a VR module in OST).