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Releases: opencb/opencga


24 Nov 15:22
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v1.3.0-rc Pre-release
Release candidate 1.3.0


20 Sep 16:53
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  • [FIX] Fix job search by input and output files. (#533)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Hide deprecated webservices. (#599)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Set ontologyTerms array during Sample/Individual /create and /update webservices. (#613)
  • [FEATURE] Add the concept of release in OpenCGA. (#616)
  • [FIX] Fix behaviour where individual ids are not recognized when creating new family. (#617)
  • [FEATURE] Implement JWT based session management (#618)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Change List<Long> for List<Object> in corresponding data models (#621)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Make ACL permissions part of the query (#628)
  • [FIX] Fix count parameter not working in search webservices and command line (#629)
  • [CHANGE] Change annotationsets REST webservices. (#631)
  • [FEATURE] Support multigroups (#633)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Return HTTP 403 error code when user tries to access not granted data (#636)
  • [FEATURE] Add a new members group for every study (#642)
  • [FEATURE] Automatically sync OpenCGA groups with external LDAP groups during login (#647)
  • [FEATURE] Add new projects/search webservice (#651)
  • [FEATURE] Add new confidential parameter to VariableSet data model. It allows defining confidential variable sets and corresponding annotation sets, so a new special permission will be needed to access them. (#653)
  • [FEATURE] Propagate permissions from samples to individuals. (#657)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Return HTTP 401 error code when user is not successfully logged in or the token is invalid. (#658)

Variant Storage

  • [FEATURE] Improve Solr integration with VariantStorage when querying (#638)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Improve Solr variant iterator by using Solr cursors (#640)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Variant Solr Search manager improvements (#639)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Configure VariantMerger and VariantNormalizer with VCFHeader (#630)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Store DisplayConsequenceType from VariantAnnotation at MongoDB (#659)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Return VariantTraitAssociation as TraitAssociation (EvidenceEntry) (#692)
  • [FEATURE] Remove files from variants storage (#192)
  • [FEATURE] Command line and rest endpoints for remove operations on variant storage (#623)
  • [FEATURE] Simple merge mode for loading variants in opencga-storage-hadoop (#609)
  • [FEATURE] VariantQueryParam INCLUDE_FORMATS. Select format fields to return (#608)
  • [FEATURE] Store other genotype fields on storage-hadoop (#602)
  • [FEATURE] Export variant statistics (#309)
  • [FIX] Sample filter not working when the sample is in multiple files (#641)
  • [FIX] Possible error loading overlaping multiallelic variants (#626)
  • [FIX] Do not delete files (or related entries) from catalog if still loaded in variants storage (#625)
  • [FIX] Avoid OutOfMemoryError updating storage metadata from catalog (#645)
  • [FIX] Error indexing vcf files containing "variants" in the file name(#691)

Relevant changes


29 Jun 14:21
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Second maintenance release. The main issue fixed is to read number of connections from the configuration file: 8d2971b


05 Jun 00:04
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Maintenance release, the only fix is in the VCF exporter #610


02 Jun 10:52
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  • [ENHANCEMENT] Support integers and floats type for variables. (#545)
  • [BUG] Fix link race condition. (#551)
  • [FEATURE] Add new parameter propagate to Individual web service when setting permissions to propagate permissions to the related samples. (#558)
  • [FEATURE] Add support to give permissions using queries in sample, individual and file web services. (#560)
  • [CHANGE] Change Acl REST web services. (#561)
  • [FIX] Not return fields that are of no interest (using include/exclude). (#569)
  • [FEATURE] Add new admin command line to synchronise and add users from LDAP groups. (#573)
  • [FEATURE] Added new Family data model. (#582)
  • [FEATURE] Add list to individual/create web service. (#583)
  • [FEATURE] Add new /meta/status, /meta/ping and /meta/about web services. (#572)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Support creating an Individual when calling to the Sample create web service. (#586)
  • [DEPRECATE] Deprecate species field of Individual data model. (#588)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Deprecate usage of variableSetId. Add field variableSet to corresponding web services that accepts an id or a name. (#589)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Support passing an array of annotationSets when creating an Annotable entry (Sample, Cohort, Individual and Family). (#590)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add new type field to Sample model. (#591)
  • [FEATURE] Add father and mother information in attributes field of Individual. (#592)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Add support to change public/private User registration (#594)
  • [DEPRECATE] Deprecate all xx/create and xx/update GET webservices. (#598)

Variant Storage

  • [FEATURE] Make optional to merge non same overlapping variants in MongoDB (#574)
  • [FEATURE] Implement a benchmark framework for OpenCGA Storage (#248)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Filter VcfRecord before converting into Variant object when possible (#577)
  • [BUGFIX] Not loading new overlapping variants in HBase (#581)
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Increment variant size threshold for CellBase annotation (#596)
  • [BUGFIX] Fix ArrayIndexOutOfBounds when loading variants data (#597)
  • [FEATURE] Add VCF export to gRPC command line (#606)

Relevant changes - migration

  • Add new permissions to admin user in the general configuration file. To add: VIEW_STUDY, UPDATE_STUDY and SHARE_STUDY
  • Added sampleIds parameter in each individual entry.
  • Catalog changes require this migration script: opencga-1.1.0-migration.js
  • Changes of #574 require to execute a migration script on all Variants databases in MongoDB: opencga_574_add_studies_field_to_stage.js


15 May 12:25
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Maintenance version 1.0.2


10 Apr 23:49
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  • Fix a bug when querying using the new Solr index: some variants were not returned under some filter combinations. (#568)
  • Add assembly parameter to CellBase REST annotator (#571)


  • Project owner is now returned when querying for shared projects (#564)
  • Minor bug fix in command line. (#563 )
  • Individual can be associated to a sample when creating a new sample (previously this was made in two steps). (#566)
  • Opencga swagger documentation now works in HTTPS (#565)
  • Added missing parameters to individual/update endpoint. (#562)

First stable version v1.0.0

17 Mar 05:19
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Frist production ready version 1.0.0

New development version v1.0.0-rc3

17 Jan 10:10
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The most important changes are:

  • General
    • Major changes in maven properties and configuration files. (#480)
    • catalog-configuration.yml and configuration.yml have been merged. (#476)
  • Catalog
    • Added support to fetch shared projects and studies.
    • Added organism information to the project data model. (#455)
    • Renamed diskUsage and diskQuota for size and quota respectively in all data models were present.
    • Create and update webservices have been all implemented via POST.
    • Closed sessions are now removed from the array of sessions (but they can still be found in the audit collection). (#475)
  • Storage
    • Improve error handling for storage operations (#447, #463, #465)
    • Add param --resume to and command line (#465)
    • Import and export variants datasets (#459, #460)
    • Enable gRPC as top level feature (#492)
    • New top layer StorageManager connecting catalog with storage (#486)
    • Shade proto and guava dependencies for Hadoop (#440)

Known Issues

  • OpenCGA storage hadoop is not available in this version. To compile use this line:

    mvn clean install -DskipTests -pl '!:opencga-storage-hadoop-core'

Development version v1.0.0-rc2.1

06 Jan 00:14
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New pre-release version 1.0.0-rc2.1