Eco web based on open data as a goal of bachelor thesis
Reason for this project is to implement a web page, which is user friendly and modern looking, to visualize data about temperature and water from Czech Republic. But it is not just about visualising, but also about getting data from Czech Hydrometeorological Institute and processing them so the web can show them. Whole this project is created as a bachelor thesis on Czech Technical University, Faculty of Information Technology and author is Roman Soběslav,
All data used in this project comes from Czech Hydrometeorological Institute. They are open data and usable by law 123/1998 Sb. with this license. Also this project is not sponsored by Czech Hydrometeorological Institute or supported in any way. This project just uses their open data.
The repository contains a frontend directory, which contains source code for React.js web application. Next directory is Data, which contains a web scraper for downloading stations IDs for all Czech regions from Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Downloader for downloading all daily historical data and Data inserter for inserting them into Postgres database. There is also a Create script for the database in Scripts directory.
1.) First step is to install Python and Conda on your machine. You can use this link for Miniconda.
2.) Open CMD on Windows or Terminal on Linux and macOS and in eco-web/Data directory run this command conda env update.
3.) Move to the Scraper directory.
4.) Run command conda activate eco-web to start environment which contains all needed libraries and plugins for Python.
5.) Run command scrapy crawl [spider_name] -o [output_name] from the Spider directory to start the selected spider.
1.) First step is to install Python and Conda on your machine, if not already done. You can use this link for Miniconda.
2.) Open CMD on Windows or Terminal on Linux and macOS and in eco-web/Data directory run this command conda env update if not already done (Scraper, Downloader and Data inserter uses the same environment).
3.) Move to the Downloader directory.
4.) Run command conda activate eco-web to start environment which contains all needed libraries and plugins for Python.
5.) Optional - Run command python CHMI_Downloader -h from Downloader directory to get help (recommended if using first time) and to list all the options you can use.
6.) Run command python CHMI_Downloader or python CHMI_Downloader [your_chosen_options] from the Downloader directory to use the downloader.
1.) First step is to install Python and Conda on your machine, if not already done. You can use this link for Miniconda.
2.) Open CMD on Windows or Terminal on Linux and macOS and in eco-web/Data directory run this command conda env update if not already done (Scraper, Downloader and Data inserter uses the same environment).
3.) Move to the DB_Data_Inserter directory.
4.) Run command conda activate eco-web to start environment which contains all needed libraries and plugins for Python.
5.) Optional - Run command python Data_Inserter -h from DB_Data_Inserter directory to get help (recommended if using first time) and to list all the options you can use.
6.) Run command python Data_Inserter or python Data_Inserter [your_chosen_options] from the DB_Data_Inserter directory to use the data inserter.
1.) Install Docker with Docker compose.
2.) Install pgAdmin.
3.) Create .env files in root, backend and frontend/eco-web directory. Fill in all informations.
4.) Run command Docker Compose up -d in command line from projects root directory.
5.) Open pgAdmin.
6.) Add created database server.
7.) Create new database server by pressing right button and then create new database.
8.) Use Data Inserter with create script included in Data/Scripts or use dump file which is available here. In second case, press right button and use Restore option.
9.) All done, enjoy your web application.
Application was created primarily to run databases in Docker. If you want to use Your own database or Docker image, please follow instructions found in the official documentation.
1.) Install NodeJS.
2.) Move to the Backend folder.
3.) Create and fill .env file.
4.) Run npm install command.
5.) Run npm start command.
1.) Install NodeJS.
2.) Move to the Frontend/eco-web folder.
3.) Create and fill .env file.
4.) Run npm install command.
5.) Run npm start command.