Ensure that you have access to a PostgreSQL instance running in your development environment. You have two options if you do not have PostgreSQL already set up:
- Install using Homebrew:
brew install postgresql@13
- Run PostgreSQL using Docker
After setting up PostgreSQL, run the following to start up the development environment.
# Create development database
$ createdb memos_dev
# Setup .env files and replace values within it
$ cp backend/.env-example backend/.env
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run migrations
$ npm run on-backend -- migration:run
# Start development client and server
$ npm run dev
In backend folder,
npm run migration:run
npm run migration:gen -- -n <migration-name>
Deployment to Elastic Beanstalk is carried out through Github Actions.
- To create a feature/bugfix: create a branch off
- To push to staging: force push onto
- To push to production: Squash a PR from your branch into
, then merge a PR fromdevelop