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cre8ive-mart backend api

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To run this project, install it locally using pip:

$ python -m venv ./venv
$ source ./venv/Scripts/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
$ python runserver

Accounts app

The accounts app handles the authentication (Login, signup, change password, reset password, email authentication, google login) of the app

urls for the account related app that you need to know about

Before each of these routes, add api/

  1. verify-email/again/

    This expects an email to be provided then it sends a verification email to the user to verify their email. This is necessary when the verification email has expired and they didn't verify their email.

        "email": ""
  2. signup/

    This is to sign up the user into their account

        "email": "",
        "password1": "",
        "password2": "",
        "name": ""

    the name should be the fullname (firstname and lastname)

  3. google/

    This just needs the access_token alone to be provided, and can be gotten by implementing firebase or any other method of your choice to the frontend

        "access_token": "",
        "code": ""
  4. password/reset/

    This expects an email to be provided then it sends an email to the user reset their password.

        "email": ""


    This expects the new password of the user and uid and token which is gotten from the link/url of the current site.

        "new_password1": "",
        "new_password2": "",
        "uid": "",
        "token": ""
  5. me/

    This just returns the current logged in user's slug

  6. users/

    This returns all the users in the database

  7. users/slug:slug/

    This returns the the user whose slug is passed to the url

  8. users/slug:slug/follow/

    This follows the user whose slug is passed to the url

  9. users/slug:slug/unfollow/

    This unfollows the user whose slug is passed to the url

  10. users/slug:slug/followers/

    This this lists all the followers of the user whose slug is passed to the url

  11. users/slug:slug/following/

    This this lists all users that the user whose slug is passed to the url is following

  12. profile/int:pk/

    This shows a particular users profile, and if the profile is owned by the current user, then he can edit the profile with either a PUT or PATCH request.

    The fields needed are date_of_birth, bio, sex, type_of_body, feet, inches, lives_in.

    Note: Adding the skills to the user is not handled on this route

        "date_of_birth": null,
        "bio": "",
        "sex": null,
        "type_of_body": null,
        "feet": null,
        "inches": null,
        "lives_in": ""

    sex accepts one of two options "Male" or "Female"

    type_of_body accepts one of four options "Slim", "Average", "Athletic" and "Heavyset"

    date_of_birth takes this format "yyyy-mm-dd" and should be put like this "1994-12-22"

    feet and inches accepts a number and the front end should do the limiting to a certain length

  13. profile/int:pk/skills/

    This is for the user to add his skills to his profile.

    The skills to be added are from a foreign key

        "skills": []
  14. skills/

    This is to list all the skills in the database

  15. skills/create/

    This allows only admin users to create a new skill to the website

        "name": "",
        "subcategory": "",
        "description": ""

    the description gives people us the freedom to explain the skills to people so they can better understand what they are selecting, or explain a particular skill to a random user.

  16. skills/int:pk/

    This allows only admin users to update and delete a particular skill

        "name": "",
        "subcategory": "",
        "description": ""
  17. user/

    This shows the current user logged in his details, and this will allow the user add or change his display picture

    one can make a PUT request to this route to update the picture

        "picture": null

    It is named picture instead of display_picture for convinience on the backend, so when signing up with google, it can automatically send the picture from google to the field

  18. users/slug:slug/showcases/

    This shows all the showcases of the current user whose slug is passed in the url

  19. users/slug:slug/collaboration/

    This shows all the collaborations of the current user whose slug is passed in the url

  20. users/slug:slug/sadministrator/

    This shows all the showcases that the current user whose slug is passed in the url is an administrator to

  21. users/slug:slug/cadministrator/

    This shows all the collaborations that the current user whose slug is passed in the url is an administrator to

Showcase app

The Showcase app handles the uploading/showcasing of works, admin administrators to a showcase so they can manage the project, and comments, replies and likes to showcases.

urls for the Showcase related app that you need to know about

Before each of these routes, add api/

  1. showcase/create/

    This creates a new showcase, and muste be logged in to do this

        "title": "example title",
        "description": "example description",
        "content": null,
        "skill_type": [

    The content is the images, videos, audio of the showcase and it is supposed to be gotten from AWS or Cloudnairy. The skill_type also receives an list of the skills id. The route also has a get method and this can be useful to show the fields already selected by the user.

  2. showcase/

    This shows all of the showcases in the database

  3. showcase/mostliked/

    This route lists the most liked showcaases of all time

  4. showcase/mostlikedy/

    This route lists the most liked showcaases of the year

  5. showcase/mostlikedm/

    This route lists the most liked showcaases of the month

  6. showcase/mostlikedw/

    This route lists the most liked showcaases of the week

  7. showcase/followingshowcases/

    Shows all the showcases that a logged in user follows.

  8. showcase/slug:slug/

    This gets a particular showcase through the slug

  9. showcase/slug:slug/edit/

    This allows administrators to a particular showcase to edit that showcase

        "title": "The Gods Must Be Crazy",
        "description": "",
        "content": null,
        "skill_type": [
    • The content is the images, videos, audio of the showcase and it is supposed to be gotten from AWS or Cloudnairy.
    • The skill_type also receives an list of the skills id that you want to add.
    • The route also has a get method and this can be useful to show the fields already selected by the user.
  10. showcase/slug:slug/like/

    Here two requests can be made here, An empty POST request to like and a DELETE request to unlike a particular showcase, which is the showcase of the slug in the URL. The user has to be logged in to do this.

  11. showcase/slug:slug/likers/

    This lists all the likers to the showcase of the slug in the URL.

  12. showcase/slug:slug/admin/

    This shows all of the administrators of a particular showcase. This showcase is of the slug passed in the URL.

  13. showcase/slug:slug/admin/add/

    This allows administrators to add other administrators to the showcase, and you can add more than one user at a time as an admin.

        "administrator": [
            "slug of user", "slug of user"
  14. showcase/slug:slug/collaborator/

    This shows all the collaborators to a particular showcase

  15. showcase/slug:slug/collaborator/add/

    This allows an administrator to add a collaborator to a showcase he is an admin of

        "user": "user-slug",
        "role": "",
        "skill": [
  16. showcase/collaborator/int:pk/

    This shows the details of a particular collaborator

  17. showcase/collaborator/int:pk/update/

    Allows administrators and the person added as a collaborator to edit the related collaborator's profile

        "role": "danced throughout the movie",
        "skill": [
  18. showcase/collaborator/int:pk/delete/

    Allows administrators and the person added as a collaborator to delete the related collaborator's profile

  19. showcase/slug:slug/comment/

    Allows authenticated users to make a comment on a showcase

        "body": ""
  20. showcase/slug:slug/comments/

    lists all the comments to a particular showcase

  21. showcase/comments/int:pk/

    Allows the owner of the comment to edit using a PUT or PATCH method and to delete the comment with the DELETE method, and must be authenticated to perform the action.

        "body": "hello there"
  22. showcase/comments/int:pk/like/

    An empty POST request to like and a DELETE request to unlike a particular comment

  23. showcase/comments/int:pk/reply/

    A POST request to reply a particular comment

        "body": ""
  24. showcase/comments/int:pk/replies/

    This lists all the replies to a particular comment. The comment whose id is passed into the URL

  25. showcase/replies/int:pk/

    This allows a POST and PATCH request to edit a particular reply, and a DELETE request to delete a particular reply. The reply whose id is passed into the URL

        "body": ""
  26. showcase/replies/int:pk/like/

    An empty POST request to like and a DELETE request to unlike a particular reply

Collaborate app

The Collaborate app handles the collaboration on projects requests with other people, add administrators to a collaboration so they can manage it, and comments, replies and likes to a collaboration.

urls for the Collaborate related app that you need to know about

Before each of these routes, add api/

  1. collaboration/

    Shows al the collaboration requests in the database

  2. collaboration/create/

    This is to create a collaboration request for a project. expects a POST request.

        "title": "",
        "description": "",
        "media": "",
        "location": "",
        "looking_for": [1,2]
  3. collaboration/slug:slug/

    This is to retrieve a particular collaboration

  4. collaboration/slug:slug/edit/

    Allows administrators to edit a collaboration (i.e. to change the title, description, media files, location, and skills that are searched for)

        "title": "",
        "description": "",
        "media": "",
        "location": "",
        "looking_for": [1,2]
  5. collaboration/slug:slug/admin/

    This is to view all administrators to a collaboration.

  6. collaboration/slug:slug/admin/add/

    This is for adding more administrators to the collaboration.

        "administrator": [
  7. collaboration/slug:slug/like/

    An empty POST request to like and a DELETE request to unlike a particular collaboration.

  8. collaboration/slug:slug/likers/

    This lists all the likers to the collaboration of the slug in the URL.

  9. collaboration/slug:slug/comment/

    Allows authenticated users to make a comment on a collaboration.

        "body": ""
  10. collaboration/slug:slug/comments/

    lists all the comments to a particular collaboration.

  11. collaboration/slug:slug/interest/

    This shows all the interests shown to a collaboration.

  12. collaboration/slug:slug/interest/show/

    An empty POST and DELETE request to show interest and remove interest.

  13. collaboration/comments/int:pk/

    Allows the owner of the comment to edit using a PUT or PATCH method and to delete the comment with the DELETE method, and must be authenticated to perform the action.

        "body": "hello there"
  14. collaboration/comments/int:pk/like/

    An empty POST request to like and a DELETE request to unlike a particular comment

  15. collaboration/comments/int:pk/reply/

    A POST request to reply a particular comment

        "body": ""
  16. collaboration/comments/int:pk/replies/

    This lists all the replies to a particular comment. The comment whose id is passed into the URL

  17. collaboration/replies/int:pk/

    This allows a POST and PATCH request to edit a particular reply, and a DELETE request to delete a particular reply. The reply whose id is passed into the URL

        "body": ""
  18. collaboration/replies/int:pk/like/

    An empty POST request to like and a DELETE request to unlike a particular reply


  • Pagination is automatically done by the app for 20 results per page
  • For sign in and sign up, the major packages used were Django allauth and Django rest auth
  • Need to fix
    1. Token authentication (JWT)
    2. image fields as an object


cre8ive-mart backend api






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