PSD Text Extractor
Extract text layer (data, font family, size and color) from a PSD file.
npm install -g psdtxtractor
psdtxtractor /path/to/file.psd
You may want to save the command output:
psdtxtractor /path/to/file.psd > file.psd.yml
- Layer [Some-Image-Layer]
- Group [SomeGroup]:
- Group [SomeSubGroup]:
- Layer [foo]
- Layer [bar]
- Group [SubGroup2]:
- Layer [Rectangle 33]
- Text Layer [Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet]:
- Font: Times-BoldItalic
- Size(s): 24.00
- Color 0: rgba(0,0,0, 255) or 000000, opacity = 1
- Group [SecondGroup]:
- Layer [Title-and-menu]
- Group [TEXT]:
- Layer [Shape 1]
- Layer [Shape 1 copy 1]
- Text Layer [Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet]:
- Font: Arial-BoldMT
- Size(s): 16, 16, 16
- Color 0: rgba(47,47,47, 255) or 2f2f2f, opacity = 1
This project is still experimental. If you experience any issues with it, please let me know by filing an issue on GitHub and attach your PSD file.