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Tanel Poder's Troubleshooting & Performance Tools for Oracle databases


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Tanel Poder's Troubleshooting Scripts (TPT)

These sqlplus scripts are for Oracle Database performance optimization & troubleshooting. Most of the scripts should be runnable directly from SQL Developer too.

Getting Started & Videos

To get an idea of how I set up my client environment and use some of my main Oracle-related scripts, check out the videos here:

Also you can follow me in Twitter as I'll post any noteworthy updates there:

ash_wait_chains.sqlDisplay ASH wait chains (multi-session wait signature, a@ash/ash_wait_chains <grouping_cols> <filters> <from_time> <to_time>
session waiting for another session etc.)@ash/ash_wait_chains username||'-'||program2 "wait_class='Application'" sysdate-1/24 sysdate
asqlmon.sqlReport SQL-monitoring-style drill-down into where in an@ash/asqlmon <sql_id> <child#> <from_time> <to_time>
execution plan the execution time is spent (ASH based)@ash/asqlmon 7q729nhdgtsqq 0 sysdate-1/24 sysdate
@ash/asqlmon 7q729nhdgtsqq % sysdate-1 sysdate
aw.sqlDisplay last minute database activity@aw <filter_expression>
@aw 1=1
awr_sqlid.sqlDisplay SQL text from AWR@awr/awr_sqlid <sql_id>
@awr/awr_sqlid 7q729nhdgtsqq
awr_sqlstats.sqlDisplay SQL statistics from AWR@awr/awr_sqlstats <sql_id> <plan_hash_value> <from_time> <to_time>
@awr/awr_sqlstats 0sh0fn7r21020 1541789278 sysdate-7 sysdate
@awr/awr_sqlstats 0sh0fn7r21020 % sysdate-7 sysdate
awr_sqlstats_per_exec.sqlDisplay SQL statistics per execution from AWR@awr/awr_sqlstats_per_exec <sql_id> <plan_hash_value> <from_time> <to_time>
@awr/awr_sqlstats_per_exec 0sh0fn7r21020 1541789278 sysdate-7 sysdate
@awr/awr_sqlstats_per_exec 0sh0fn7r21020 % sysdate-7 sysdate
awr_sqlstats_unstable.sqlDisplay unstable SQL execution plans from AWR@awr/awr_sqlstats_unstable <group_by_expr1> <group_by_expr2> <from_time> <to_time>
@awr/awr_sqlstats_unstable force_matching_signature plan_hash_value sysdate-7 sysdate
bg.sqlDisplay background processes@bg <process_name|process_description>
@bg dbw
@bg writer
@bg %
bhobjects.sqlDisplay top objects in buffer cache@bhobjects
bhobjects2.sqlDisplay buffer cache statistics@bhobjects2
cancel.sqlGenerate commands for canceling selected SQL@cancel <filter_expression>
@cancel sid=150
@cancel username='SYSTEM'
@cancel "username='APP' and program like 'sqlplus%'"
col.sqlDisplay column@col <column_name>
@col open_mode
colusage.sqlDisplay column usage@colusage [<owner>.]<table_name>
@colusage soe.orders
@colusage soe.%
create_sql_baseline.sqlCreate SQL Plan Baseline from an existing "good" cursor@create_sql_baseline <good_sqlid> <good_plan_hash_value> <to_bad_sqlid>
@create_sql_baseline g5tuxh82pk3qf 2966233522 d7khnbh6c9qas
create_sql_patch.sqlCreate SQL patch@create_sql_patch <sql_id> <hint>
@create_sql_patch g4pkmrqrgxg3b GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS
@create_sql_patch b9dmj0ahu6xgc 'NO_INDEX_SS(@"SEL$26CA4453" "STORE_SALES"@"SEL$1")'
d.sqlDisplay data dictionary views and x$ tables@d <object_name>
@d sql
@d %
dash_wait_chains.sqlDisplay ASH (based on DBA_HIST) wait chains (multi-session@ash/dash_wait_chains <grouping_cols> <filters> <from_time> <to_time>
wait signature, a session waiting for another session etc.)@ash/dash_wait_chains username||'-'||program2 "wait_class='Application'" sysdate-1/24 sysdate
dasqlmon.sqlReport SQL-monitoring-style drill-down into where in an@ash/dasqlmon <sqlid> <plan_hash_value> <from_time> <to_time>
execution plan the execution time is spent (AWR based)@ash/dasqlmon 7q729nhdgtsqq 0 "timestamp'2019-10-07 07:00:00'" "timestamp'2019-10-07 07:00:00'"
@ash/dasqlmon 7q729nhdgtsqq % sysdate-1 sysdate
date.sqlDisplay current date@date
@d sql
@d %
ddl.sqlExtracts DDL statements for specified objects@ddl [<owner>.]<object_name>
@ddl sys.dba_users
@ddl sys.%tab%
desc.sqlDescribe object@desc <object_name>
@desc dba_tables
devent_hist.sqlDisplay a histogram of the number of waits from AWR@ash/devent_hist.sql <event> <filter_expression> <from_time> <to_time>
(milliseconds)@ash/devent_hist.sql log_file 1=1 sysdate-1/24 sysdate
@ash/devent_hist.sql log.file|db.file "wait_class='User I/O' AND session_type='FOREGROUND'" sysdate-1/24 sysda
df.sqlDisplay tablespace usage (GB)@df
dfm.sqlDisplay tablespace usage (MB)@dfm
dirs.sqlDisplay database directories@dirs
drop_sql_baseline.sqlDrop SQL Plan Baseline@drop_sql_baseline <sql_handle> (get sql_handle from DBMS_XPLAN notes or DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES)
@drop_sql_baseline SQL_52cb74b7097edbbd
drop_sql_patch.sqlDrop SQL patch@drop_sql_patch <patch_name>
@drop_sql_patch SQL_PATCH_g4pkmrqrgxg3b
ev.sqlSet session event@ev <event> <level>
@ev 10046 12
event_hist.sqlDisplay a histogram of the number of waits from ASH@ash/event_hist.sql <event> <filter_expression> <from_time> <to_time>
(milliseconds)@ash/event_hist.sql log.file 1=1 sysdate-1/24 sysdate
@ash/event_hist.sql log.file|db.file "wait_class='User I/O' AND session_type='FOREGROUND'" sysdate-1/24 sysdat
event_hist_micro.sqlDisplay a histogram of the number of waits from ASH@ash/event_hist_micro <event> <filter_expression> <from_time> <to_time>
(microseconds)@ash/event_hist_micro log.file 1=1 sysdate-1/24 sysdate
@ash/event_hist_micro log.file|db.file "wait_class='User I/O' AND session_type='FOREGROUND'" sysdate-1/24 sysd
evh.sqlDisplay a histogram of the number of waits@evh <event>
@evh log.file
@evh log.file|db.file
evo.sqlDisable session event@evo <event>
@evo 10046
fix.sqlDisplay fix controls description@fix <bugno|description|optimizer_feature_enable|sql_feature>
@fix 13836796
@fix adaptive
grp.sqlGroup function wrapper@grp <column_name> <table_name>
@grp owner dba_tables
@grp owner,object_type dba_objects
hash.sqlDisplay the hash value, sql_id, and child number of the last@hash
SQL in session
help.sqlDisplay TPT script help@help <search_expression>
@help explain
@help lock|latch.*hold
@help ^ind.*sql|^tab.*sql
hint.sqlDisplay all available hints@hint <name>
@hint full
hintclass.sqlDisplay all available hints with hint class info@hintclass <hint_name>
@hintclass merge
hintfeature.sqlDisplay all available hints with SQL feature info@hintfeature <feature_name>
@hintfeature transformation
hinth.sqlDisplay hint hierarchy@hinth <hint_name>
@hinth merge
ind.sqlDisplay indexes@ind [<owner>.]<index_name|table_name>
@ind orders
@ind soe.ord_customer_ix
@ind soe.%
indf.sqlDisplay function-based index expressions@indf [<owner>.]<index_name|table_name>
@indf orders
@indf soe.ord_customer_ix
@indf soe.%
kill.sqlGenerate command to for killing user session@kill <filter_expression>
@kill sid=284
@kill username='SYSTEM'
@kill "username='APP' AND program LIKE 'sqlplus%'"
latchprof.sqlProfile top latch holders (V$ version)@latchprof <grouping_columns> <sid> <latch_name> <samples>
@latchprof name,sqlid 123 % 10000
@latchprof sid,name,sqlid % "shared pool" 10000
latchprofx.sqlProfile top latch holders eXtended (X$ version)@latchprofx <grouping_columns> <sid> <latch_name> <samples>
@latchprofx sid,name 123 % 10000
@latchprofx sid,name,timemodel,hmode,func % "shared pool" 10000
lock.sqlDisplay current locks@lock <filter_expression>
@lock 1=1
@lock type='TM'
log.sqlDisplay redo log layout@log
long.sqlDisplay session long operations@long <filter_expression>
@long 1=1
@long username='SOE'
ls.sqlDisplay tablespace@ls <tablespace_name>
@ls system
@ls %
lt.sqlDisplay lock type info@lt <lock_name>
@lt TM
mem.sqlDisplay information about the dynamic SGA components@mem
memres.sqlDisplay information about the last completed memory resize@memres
nls.sqlDisplay NLS parameters at session level@nls
nonshared.sqlDisplay reasons for non-shared child cursors from@nonshared <sql_id>
v$shared_cursor@nonshared 7q729nhdgtsqq
o.sqlDisplay database object based on object owner and name@o [<owner>.]<object_name>
@o sys.dba_users
@o %.%files
oda.sqlDisplay oradebug doc event action@oda <action>
@oddc latch
@oddc .
oddc.sqlDisplay oradebug doc component@oddc <component>
@oddc optimizer
@oddc .
oerr.sqlDisplay Oracle error decription@oerr <error_number>
@oerr 7445
oi.sqlDisplay invalid objects@oi
oid.sqlDisplay database objects based on object id@oid <object_id>
@oid 10
@oid 10,20
otherxml.sqlDisplay outline hints from library cache@otherxml <sql_id> <child#>
@otherxml 1fbwxvngasv1f 1
p.sqlDisplay parameter name and value@p <parameter_name>
@pd optimizer
partkeys.sqlDisplay table partition keys@partkeys [<owner>.]<table_name>
@partkeys soe.orders
@partkeys soe.%
pd.sqlDisplay parameter name, description and value@pd <parameter_description>
@pd optimizer
pga.sqlDisplay PGA memory usage statistics@pga
pmem.sqlDisplay process memory usage@pmem <spid>
@pmem 1000
proc.sqlDisplay functions and procedures@proc <object_name> <procedure_name>
@proc dbms_stats table
@proc dbms_stats %
procid.sqlDisplay functions and procedures@procid <object_id> <subprogram_id>
@procid 13615 84
pv.sqlDisplay parameters based on the current value@pv <value>
pvalid.sqlDisplay valid parameter values@pvalid <parameter_name>
@pvalid optimizer
rowid.sqlDisplay file, block, row numbers from rowid@rowid <rowid>
s.sqlDisplay current session wait and SQL_ID info (10g+)@s <sid>
@s 52,110,225
@s "select sid from v$session where username = 'XYZ'"
@s &mysid
sdr.sqlControl direct read in serial (_serial_direct_read)@sdr <TRUE|FALSE>
se.sqlDisplay session events@se <sid>
@se 10
sed.sqlDisplay wait events description@sed <event>
@sed log_file
@sed "enq: TX"
seg.sqlDisplay segment information@seg [<owner>.]<segment_name>
@seg soe.customers
@seg soe.%
segcached.sqlDisplay number of buffered blocks of a segment@segcached [<owner>.]<object_name>
@segcached soe.orders
@segcached soe.%
seq.sqlDisplay sequence information@seq [<owner>.]<sequence_name>
@seq sys.jobseq
@seq %.jobseq
ses.sqlDisplay session statistics for given sessions, filter by@ses <sid> <statname>
statistic name@ses 10 %
@ses 10 parse
@ses 10,11,12 redo
@ses "select sid from v$session where username = 'APPS'" parse
ses2.sqlDisplay session statistics for given sessions, filter by@ses2 <sid> <statname>
statistic name and show only stats with value > 0@ses2 10 %
@ses2 10 parse
@ses2 10,11,12 redo
@ses2 "select sid from v$ses2sion where username = 'APPS'" parse
settings.sqlDisplay AWR configuration@awr/settings
sga.sqlDisplay instance memory usage breakdown from@sga
sgai.sqlDisplay instance memory usage breakdown from v$sgainfo@sgai
sgares.sqlDisplay information about the last completed SGA resize@sgares
operations from v$sga_resize_ops
sgastat.sqlDisplay detailed information on the SGA from v$sgastat@sgastat <name|pool>
@sgastat %
@sgastat result
sgastatx.sqlDisplay shared pool stats by sub-pool from X$KSMSS@sgastatx <statistic_name>
@sgastatx "free memory"
@sgastatx cursor
sl.sqlSet statistics level@sl <statistics_level>
@sl all
smem.sqlDisplay process memory usage@smem <sid>
@smem 1000
sqlbinds.sqlDisplay captured SQL bind variable values@sqlbinds <sql_id> <child_number>
@sqlbinds 2swu3tn1ujzq7 0
@sqlbinds 2swu3tn1ujzq7 %
sqlf.sqlDisplay full sql text from memory@sqlf <sql_id>
@sqlf 7q729nhdgtsqq
sqlfn.sqlDisplay SQL functions@sqlf <name>
@sqlfn date
sqlid.sqlDisplay SQL: text, child cursors and execution statistics@sqlid <sql_id> <child_number>
@sqlid 7q729nhdgtsqq 0
@sqlid 7q729nhdgtsqq %
sqlmon.sqlRun SQL Monitor report@sqlmon <sid>
@sqlmon 1019
syn.sqlDisplay synonym information@syn [<owner>.]<synonym_name>
@syn system.%
sys.sqlDisplay system statistics@sys <statistic_name>
@sys redo
@sys 'redo write'
t.sqlDisplay default trace file@t
tab.sqlDisplay table information@tab [<owner>.]<table_name>
@tab soe.orders
@tab soe.%
tabhist.sqlDisplay column histograms@tabhist [<owner>.]<table_name> <column_name>
@tabhist soe.orders order_mode
@tabhist soe.orders %
tabpart.sqlDisplay table partitions@tabpart [<owner>.]<table_name>
@tabpart soe.orders
@tabpart soe.%
tabsubpartDisplay table subpartitions@tabsubpart [<owner>.]<table_name>
@tabsubpart soe.orders
@tabsubpart soe.%
ti.sqlForce new trace file@ti
tlc.sqlDisplay top-level call names@tlc <call_name>
@tlc commit
topseg.sqlDisplay top space users per tablespace@topseg <tablespace_name>
@topseg soe
@topseg %
topsegstat.sqlDisplay information about top segment-level statistics@topsegstat <statistic_name>
@topsegstat reads
@topsegstat %
trace.sqlEnable tracing@trace <filter_expression>
@trace sid=123
@trace username='SOE'
traceme.sqlEnable tracing for the current session@traceme
traceoff.sqlDisable tracing@traceoff <filter_expression>
@traceoff sid=123
@traceoff username='SOE'
trans.sqlDisplay active transactions@trans
trig.sqlDisplay trigger information@trig [<owner>.]<trigger_name>
@trig sys.delete_entries
@trig sys.%
ts.sqlDisplay tablespaces@ts <tablespace_name>
@ts soe
@ts %
uds.sqlDisplay undo statistics@uds
us.sqlDisplay database usernames from dba_users@us <username>
@us username
usid.sqlDisplay user sessoin and process information@usid <sid>
@us 1234
uu.sqlDisplay user sessions@uu <username>
@uu %
@uu username
@uu %username%
wrka.sqlDisplay PGA and TEMP usage@wrka <fileter_expression>
@wrka 1=1
@wrka sid=1000
wrkasum.sqlDisplay summary of SQL workareas groupbed by opertion type@wrkasum <filter_expression>
(PGA and TEMP)@wrkasum sql_id='7q729nhdgtsqq'
x.sqlDisplay SQL execution plan for the last SQL statement@x
xa.sqlDisplay SQL execution plan for the last SQL statement -@xa
xall.sqlDisplay SQL execution plan for the last SQL statement -@xall
xawr.sqlDisplay SQL execution plan from AWR@xawr <sql_id> <plan_hash_value>
@xawr 0sh0fn7r21020 1541789278
@xawr 0sh0fn7r21020 %
xb.sqlExplain a SQL statements execution plan with execution@xb
profile directly from library cache - for the last SQL
executed in current session
xbi.sqlExplain a SQL statements execution plan with execution@xbi <sql_id> <sql_child_number>
profile directly from library cache - look up by SQL ID@xbi a5ks9fhw2v9s1 0
xi.sqlDisplay SQL execution plan from library cache@xi <sql_id> <child#>
@xi 7q729nhdgtsqq 0
@xi 7q729nhdgtsqq %
xia.sqlDisplay SQL execution plan from library cache: ADVANCED@xia <sql_id>
@xia 7q729nhdgtsqq
xp.sqlRun DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR (text mode) for session@xp <session_id>
@xp 47
xplto.sqlDisplay execution plan operations@xplto <name>
@xplto full
xprof.sqlRun DBMS_SQLTUNE.REPORT_SQL_MONITOR for session@xprof <report_level> <type> <sql_id|session_id> <sql_id|sid>


Tanel Poder's Troubleshooting & Performance Tools for Oracle databases








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