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Nithya Kruthi Kruthimacha

4basecare Oncosolutions Pvt ltd

Jinxin Zhao JinxinMonash
Research Fellow |Bioinformatician @Laboratory of Antimicrobial Systems Pharmacology, Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University

Monash University Australia

myth orangeSi
bioinformatic bird flying in microbial genomics of BGI ShenZhen in China

Reforgene China,GuangZhou

Nikola Palevich NikPalevich
Scientist researching gastrointestinal microbiome and helminth processes to identify strategies and applications to enhance ruminant performance and health.

AgResearch New Zealand

Simão Rafique SluzzleDude
Computational Biologist and Data Scientist with a growing interest in MLOps and model deployment.
Jinhui Li jinhuili-lab
Focus on Bioinformatics and genomics.

Saint Louis University America

Jie Li lijierr
Microbiome and bioinformatics
Valentyn Bezshapkin valentynbez
MD, PhD student in Bioinformatics. Studying massive genomic datasets and producing software to do it better.

Sunagawa Lab @ ETH Zürich Zürich, Switzerland

Reilly Cooper reillyowencooper
Microbial ecologist. Interested in metagenomes, host-associated microbes, and more


Ben J Woodcroft wwood
Assoc. prof. of microbial informatics at the Centre for Microbiome Research (CMR)

Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia

Carl Mathias Kobel cmkobel
Microbioinformatics PhD-fellow in the MEMO group at NMBU. Looking for a postdoc position from 2025-04.

Norges Miljø- & Biovitenskapelige Universitet (NMBU)

DATA SCIENCE and MACHINE LEARNING,AI is Update of technology,there are Innovative projects let's connect to collabrative .


Roshini Roshinisundararajan
Passionate about bioinformatics and computational genomics. I aim to contribute to cutting-edge projects at the nexus of biology and technology.
Radul R Dev RadulDev
Computational Biologist | Bioinformatician | Data science enthusiast | Omics data science | Fullstack Developer | Blockchain

CSIR-Institute of Genomics & Integrative Biology (IGIB) India

Legana Fingerhut Legana
Postdoctoral Bioinformatician | Molecular biology, genetics, comparative genomics, innate immunity, machine learning and evolution.

University of New South Wales

Vedanth Ramji Vedanth-Ramji

Big Data Biology Lab Chennai, India

Khemlal Nirmalkar khemlalnirmalkar
Research Scientist at Biodesign Center for Health Through Microbiomes

Arizona State University Tempe Tempe, Arizona, USA

Yanren Wang wyanren
Greeting! Here is a First-year Ph.D. student in HKU.

The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Jianshu_Zhao jianshu93
Probabilistic data structures in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Collaboration with @jean-pierreBoth

University of California, San Diego San Diego

Yuzhe Li ericli0419
Postdoctoral Scholar @zhangqf-lab

Tsinghua University Hangzhou, China

BioDawg JoJoTsui


Anne Staff annestaff
Computational Mathematical Biology student at Aix-Marseille-University. I mostly upload my homework and other uni projects.

@Staffwerke Marseille, Munich

Anan Ibrahim Darcy220606
A bioinformatician that currently delves in research software engineering and data science in the field of genome mining.

Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie - HKI Jena, Germany

Daniel_Adediran Dexwel
Daniel is a genomic scientist, interested in using computational techniques to gain insight and answer biological question from cancer genome data.

Helix Biogen Institute Nigeria

Zhonghui Gai AndyZHGai

SJTU Shanghai China

Suresh Kumar M suresh2014
Bacterial pathogens, Genomics, One Health and Epidemiology

University of Hyderabad, India India

Breno L. S. de Almeida brenoslivio
PhD Student in Computer Science and Computational Mathematics @ University of São Paulo - USP

São Paulo, Brazil

I commit for microbiome informatics.


Biologist studying microbiology