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About ORZ Stack

ORZ Stack is the skeleton application for the Laravel starter kit project. It comes equipped with a system authentication that includes both basic authentication and socialite authentication. Additionally, ORZ Stack includes several built-in packages that I frequently use, such as Tailwind CSS, Livewire, Eloquent Sluggable, and many more. It offers a feature-rich boilerplate to kickstart your project and expedite your development process. Now, you're ready to create your awesome project.

System Requirements

  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Composer
  • NodeJS & NPM/PNPM
  • MySQL


  • Create a new ORZ Stack project via Composer's create-project command:
composer create-project orz14/orz-stack app-name
  • Once the project has been created, migrate the database:
cd app-name
php artisan migrate
  • Finally, start Laravel's local development server using Laravel Artisan's serve command:
php artisan serve


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Created with 💜 by ORZCODE