playing with branching
Well, I was supposed to create a website, which at the beggining was very easy task, however I had to cut it into peaces and create branches, I wasnt able because I did it all at once, so I did a second repository which I named testBranching, and then after finishing with the excersise I will rename it as the main project ACME.
Definitily githug have big mountains that I have to climb, playing with branches and gitkraken plus VSC are still a big challenge, but I know I will conquer them. Also I think there is no spell checker in this shit, so I will have to take care of my own spelling... Markdown is not my afvorite language...
- I can create branches on gitkraken but I can not merge it there, at least I havent learned how.
- I can only approve merges on github.
- I can change the name to the repositories and do the same for the websites
- github
- markdown
- gitkraken
- spellcheck