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McCarrin, Michael (CIV) edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 3 revisions

Adjusting the Waves

  • Parameters for the wavefield are broadcast to the /vrx/wavefield/parameters topic by a Publisher plugin attached to the world.
  • An instance of the wavefield plugin, which reads from this topic, must be attached to all objects affected by the wavefield.


Step 1: Modify Parameters

  • Open vrx/vrx_gz/worlds/sydney_regatta.sdf and edit the values for direction, gain, period and steepness listed in the publisher plugin message:
        <!-- The wave field -->
        <plugin filename="" name="vrx::PublisherPlugin">
          <message type="gz.msgs.Param" topic="/vrx/wavefield/parameters"
            params {
              key: "direction"
              value {
                type: DOUBLE
                double_value: 0.0
            params {
              key: "gain"
              value {
                type: DOUBLE
                double_value: 0.3
            params {
              key: "period"
              value {
                type: DOUBLE
                double_value: 6.0
            params {
              key: "steepness"
              value {
                type: DOUBLE
                double_value: 0.0

For example, try changing the gain to 0.8.

Step 2: Rebuild

Recompile your workspace:

cd <VRX_WS>
colcon build --merge-install

Step 3: Test

Launch the simulation:

ros2 launch vrx_gz world:=sydney_regatta

You should observe your WAM-V slowly moving due to the wind and bigger waves impacting the WAM-V.

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