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Penelope is a tool for performing BigQuery and Cloud Storage Backups on the Google Cloud Platform


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Penelope - GCP Backup Solution



Penelope is a tool, which allows you to back up data stored in GCP automatically. You can create backups from BigQuery datasets and tables as well as from Cloud Storage buckets within Google Cloud Storage. For authentication against GCP services Penelope uses Google service accounts for performing backups and it assumes that it is behind an authentication provider like Google Identity Aware Proxy.

Penelope consists of three main components:

  • A Docker image for a server written in GO providing an API with different methods to create, start, etc. backups
  • A web frontend allowing users to easily create and manage backup jobs
  • A PostgreSQL database storing different pieces of information about backup jobs

Bellow: Screenshot from Penelope using the form to create a new backup

Backup Form


  • Go >= 1.19
  • PostgreSQL >= 10.15
  • Google Service Account

Because Penelope uses the Google Cloud SDK, you first have to set up your local environment to access GCP. You need to create a Google service account to authenticate Penelope. See Creating and managing service accounts documentation for more details.

Getting Started

This repository provides a starter kit to set up Penelope on your own. Penelope uses providers for different purposes, for example penelope needs a credential to connect with the configured database (see environment variables). You can use Penelopes basic secret provider, which uses a specific environment variable to provide a secret credential, or you can define a more advance provider, which for example fetches the credentials during runtime. Penelope needs four specific providers:

  • SecretProvider - containing the method GetSecret, which provides the database password for given user.
  • SinkGCPProjectProvider - containing the method GetSinkGCPProjectID, which provides for a given GCP project id a specific cloud storage backup sink.
  • TargetPrincipalForProjectProvider - contains the method GetTargetPrincipalForProject, which provides a target service account to be impersonated for a given project.
  • PrincipalProvider - contains the method GetPrincipalForEmail, which provides the users principal (containing the user and role bindings) for a given email address.


Penelope uses a PostgreSQL database to store the backup state. You can find the migrations under the folder resources/migrations/. You can use Flyway to run the migrations against your own PostgreSQL database.


Penelope uses environment variables for customization. Therefore, you can configure penelope to a certain degree by setting specific environment variables (e.g. configure database connection). There are optional and required settings. If you not provide required settings, penelope will not run.

Name Required Description
GCP_PROJECT_ID required Set the GCP project.
DEFAULT_PROVIDER_BUCKET required Set the bucket for all providers
DEFAULT_BACKUP_SINK_PROVIDER_FOR_PROJECT_FILE_PATH required Set the path to the .yaml file which contains the target backup project for SinkGCPProjectProvider.
DEFAULT_USER_PRINCIPAL_PROVIDER_FILE_PATH required Set the path to the .yaml file which contains the user principal for PrincipalProvider.
DEFAULT_GCP_SOURCE_PROJECT_PROVIDER_FILE_PATH required Set the path to the .yaml file which contains the user principal for PrincSourceGCPProjectProvideripalProvider.
DEFAULT_PROVIDER_CACHE_TTL required Set time to life (TTL) for data stored in cache by defualt providers
DEFAULT_PROVIDER_IMPERSONATE_GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT required Set default impersonated google service account for TargetPrincipalForProjectProvider.
DEV_MODE required Set Penelope to run locally in dev mode any skipping user authentification.
APP_JWT_AUDIENCE required Set the expected audience value of the jwt token.
COMPANY_DOMAINS required Set the company domains for validating user email. Value can be a comma separated list.
DEFAULT_BUCKET_STORAGE_CLASS required Set the default storage class for backup sinks.
POSTGRES_SOCKET required Set socket address to PostgreSQL server.
POSTGRES_HOST required Set host address to PostgreSQL server. If PostgreSQL socket is specified, setting this is optional.
POSTGRES_PORT required Set port of PostgreSQL server default to 5432.
POSTGRES_DB required Set name of PostgreSQL database.
POSTGRES_USER required Set username to connect with PostgreSQL database.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD required Set password for user to connect with PostgreSQL database.
TOKEN_HEADER_KEY required Set the key for token header.
PENELOPE_PORT optional Set port for localhost when running Penelope local.
PENELOPE_TRACING optional Set true to export tracing metrics to Stackdriver. Default is true.
PENELOPE_TRACING_METRICS_PREFIX optional Set prefix for tracing metrics when activated. Default is penelope-server.
PENELOPE_USE_DEFAULT_HTTP_CLIENT optional Switch to use default http request for testing by setting true. Default is false.
CORS_ALLOWED_METHODS optional Set the allowed methods for CORS with a comma separated list. For example, POST, PATCH, GET
CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN optional Set the allowed origins for defined cors methods.
CORS_ALLOWED_HEADERS optional Set the allowed request headers.
TASKS_VALIDATION_HTTP_HEADER_NAME optional Adds request validation to tasks triggers. Specifies the expected request head for validation.
TASKS_VALIDATION_HTTP_HEADER_VALUE optional Expected value for request validation.
TASKS_VALIDATION_ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESSES optional Adds ip address validation to tasks triggers. Multiple comma separated ip addresses can be specified.
UNIFORM_BUCKET_LEVEL_ACCESS optional Set uniform bucket level access for created backups (see more)

Deploy Basic Setup

This step-by-step guide will walk you through how to set up Penelope in your own Google App Engine instance. Let us start with the database migration.

1. Step: Migration with Flyway

In the following you will learn, how you can use Flyway for migration. However, feel free to use any other tool which fits best for your use case. The migration files are in the folder resource/migrations as already mentioned above.

flyway migrate -url=jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>:<PORT>/<DB> -user=<USER> -password=<PW> -locations=filesystem:./resources/migrations

Because we are going to deploy Penelope to App Engine, it maybe useful to take CloudSQL into consideration. You can use Cloud SQL Proxy to connect with your instance via a secure connection. In order to find out more about the proxy client see the About the Cloud SQL Proxy documentation.

2. Step: Configuration of App Engine

You are going to need a app.yaml file to deploy and configure your App Engine service. In this file you specify the go runtime version, url handlers and all environment variables to configure Penelope. This repository provides a default configuration template for your own App Engine. Replace the brackets and feel free to change the values, but be carefully with the handlers.

# app.yaml
runtime: go119
service: default
  - url: /
    static_files: static/ui/index.html
    upload: static/ui/index.html
  # ...

  # ...

3. Step: Penelope Deployment

Now that you have specified the configuration for Penelope, you are able to deploy the local application and configuration settings with Cloud SDK. For more details on how to install or manage your GCP resources and applications see Google Cloud SDK Documentation. Since we are going to deploy the application to app engine, we will use gcloud app deploy for deployment.

gcloud app deploy app.yaml

4. Step: Configuration of Cron-Jobs

Congratulations. If you configured your application correctly, you successfully deployed Penelope to App Engine. But you're not done yet. There are still tasks, which need to be triggered. These Penelope tasks are responsible for making backups, cleanups of expired sinks and so on. This repository provides a basic cron job configuration as well for all tasks. There are no changes required.

# cron.yaml
  - description: "prepare backup jobs"
    url: /api/tasks/prepare_backup_jobs
    schedule: every 60 minutes from 00:00 to 23:00
  - description: "schedule new jobs"
    url: /api/tasks/run_new_jobs
    schedule: every 10 minutes from 00:05 to 23:55
  # ...

5. Step: Cron-Jobs Scheduling

Deploying the cron.yaml configuration file to App Engine is straight forward. You just need to run the following command and you are finished.

gcloud app deploy cron.yaml


This section is specifically tell you about the special Penelope providers. As mentioned before, there are four providers which provide Penelope with information like where to store the backup, which role bindings has the user and so on. This repository contains default providers. However, you are able to implement your own providers. In the following, you will find out how each default provider works and how you can implement your own provider. To use your own Penelope defined providers use AppStartArguments and pass it to the run function of the package.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create all your providers here ...

	appStartArguments := app.AppStartArguments{
		PrincipalProvider:                 principalProvider,
		SinkGCPProjectProvider:            sinkGCPProjectProvider,
		TargetPrincipalForProjectProvider: targetPrincipalForProjectProvider,
		SecretProvider:                    secretProvider,


The Secret Provider

Let's have a look at the first provider. The secret provider, specified by the SecretProvider interface, provides Penelope with the database password. This provider defines only one method. It receives a context.Context and string argument and returns a string and error type. You can probably guess the meaning of each argument. However, we will go through each parameter to be clear. The first expected argument is a context, which is created for each (http) request. This is golang specific. If you want to find out more about the Context type, you can read the Package Context documentation. The next argument contains the database user name. All you have to do is to return the password for this user. If you are not able to return the database password, you can return an error value.

package secret

import "context"

type SecretProvider interface {
	GetSecret(ctxIn context.Context, user string) (string, error)


The default provider is actually pretty straight forward. It basically doesn't care about the user argument. It just returns the value you have specified in the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable. If this default provider is not advance enough for your need, then feel free to implement your own secret provider.

Backup Provider

The tasks of the backup sink provider is to provide Penelope with a GCP project where the backup should be stored. This provider is defined by the SinkGCPProjectProvider interface. The first argument is the same for all provider methods, which is again context. The next argument is the source GCP project id. It is the project of the source data, which should be backup on a target project. The task of this interface is to return the target project for the received source project.

package provider

import "context"

type SinkGCPProjectProvider interface {
	GetSinkGCPProjectID(ctxIn context.Context, sourceGCPProjectID string) (string, error)


The default provide is a bit more complex this time. You will not only have to define the environment variables DEFAULT_PROVIDER_BUCKET and DEFAULT_BACKUP_SINK_PROVIDER_FOR_PROJECT_FILE_PATH, you also have to store a .yaml file in the specified bucket. The content of the file should look like this.

- project: project-one
  backup: project-one-backup
- project: project-two
  backup: project-two-backup

For each project you define a backup project (actually not that complex, huh?). But what happens, if a source project is not listed in the file? Then the default implementation returns an error. You think there are other solutions? Maybe you would like to create a backup projects on-the-fly or just use the source project as the target project. Then feel free to implement your own SinkGCPProjectProvider.

Target Principal Provider

This provider can be more difficult to comprehend than the previous providers. Behind the scenes, Penelope uses impersonation to create all the backup sinks and so on in GCP. And what does it impersonate to do all these tasks? Service accounts, which are special google account to represent non-human user like applications. To determine which service account should be impersonated by Penelope, the TargetPrincipalForProjectProvider interface is required. It returns the service account for a target project.

package impersonate

import "context"

type TargetPrincipalForProjectProvider interface {
	GetTargetPrincipalForProject(ctxIn context.Context, projectID string) (string, error)


The default is again pretty straight forward. You only have to define one single google service account, which should be impersonated. This is done by setting the DEFAULT_PROVIDER_IMPERSONATE_GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable.

Principal Provider

This section explains the concept of a user principal and the role of the PrincipalProvider interface.

User Principal:

  • A Principal data type represents a user's identity and access rights within the system.
  • It contains two components:
    • email: A string representing the user's email address (unique identifier).
    • role_bindings: A list of role bindings, which define a user's role within each project.

Role Binding:

  • A role binding associates a project ID with a user's role for that specific project.
  • Possible roles are:
    • None: User has no access to the project.
    • Viewer: User can view project data but cannot modify it.
    • Owner: User has full access to the project, including editing and backup privileges.

PrincipalProvider Interface:

  • The `PrincipalProvider interface defines a single method:
    • GetPrincipal(email: string) -> Principal: This method takes a user's email address and returns their corresponding Principal data type.

Importance of PrincipalProvider:

  • The PrincipalProvider plays a crucial role in access control.
  • By retrieving a user's principal data, the system can determine their roles for specific projects.
  • This information is critical for authorizing actions:
    • Only Owner users can perform backups.
    • Users without the appropriate role (e.g., None or Viewer) cannot edit project data.

In summary:

  • The Principal data type stores user identity and project access levels.
  • The PrincipalProvider interface provides access to this information for authorization purposes.
package provider

import (

type PrincipalProvider interface {
	GetPrincipalForEmail(ctxIn context.Context, email string) (*model.Principal, error)

The data type Principal is shown in following source code, which contains additionally all relevant information. You can see it consist of a User and a list of ProjectRoleBindings. Furthermore, you can see that User only consists of the email address. The ProjectRoleBinding contains the role for each project.

package model

type Role string

type Principal struct {
	User         User
	RoleBindings []ProjectRoleBinding

type User struct {
	Email string

var (
	None   Role = "none"
	Viewer Role = "viewer"
	Owner  Role = "owner"

type ProjectRoleBinding struct {
	Role    Role
	Project string


Now let's have a look at the default implementation. The default is very similar to the SinkGCPProjectProvider. It also needs the path to a .yaml file. Therefore DEFAULT_USER_PRINCIPAL_PROVIDER_FILE_PATH needs to be set. The content can look like this.

- user:
  email: ''
    - role: owner
      project: 'project-one'
    - role: viewer
      project: 'project-two'
- user:
  email: ''
    - role: viewer
      project: 'project-one'
    - role: viewer
      project: 'project-two'

Source Project Provider

source project orincipal is used to retrieve additioanl information about the source project. The SourceGCPProjectProvider represents the interface for this provider. It contains only one method, which returns the SourceGCPProject for a given project id.

package provider

import (

type SourceGCPProjectProvider interface {
	GetSourceGCPProject(ctxIn context.Context, gcpProjectID string) (SourceGCPProject, error)


Now let's have a look at the default implementation. The default is very similar to the SinkGCPProjectProvider. It also needs the path to a .yaml file. Therefore DEFAULT_BACKUP_SINK_PROVIDER_FOR_PROJECT_FILE_PATH needs to be set. The content can look like this.

- project: local-account
  availability_class: A1
  data_owner: john.doe

Internal Data Model and Backup Mechanics

Penelope tracks backup configuration specified by the user as well as the backups current success state in the backups table. Each backup definition lets Penelope schedule, execute and track (aka orchestrate) jobs in GCP. Depending on the backup source a job is either implemented as

  • a StorageTransferJob, if the backup source is CloudStorage
  • a BigQueryExtractJob, if the backup source is BigQuery

Penelope keeps track of jobs in the jobs table. A fk relation to the corresponding backup indentifies which backup definition lead to a certain job.

Both db entities - backups and jobs - have a status field representing the current state they are in. The status field different Penelope tasks operate on it and trigger a state chang in the model. State changes of backups are well-defined in the processor.go.

Since a StorageTransferJob is handled by GCP, it runs asynchronously. Penelope checks job statuses in regular intervals when the task CheckJobsStatus is invoked. It monitors StorageTransferJobs and corresponding TransferOperations. The following diagram shows how the job status is assessed.

flowchart LR
    Start["GetJobs(Scheduled || Pending)"] --> A[ListOperations]
    A --> B{Any Runs?}
    B --> |Yes| C{Any Run not done?}
    B --> |No| SPen[Pending]
    C --> |No| SDone[FinishedOk]
    C --> |Yes| D{Any of them failed?}
    D --> |Yes| SFail[FinishedError]
    D--> |No| SPen

Role and rights concept

flowchart LR
    subgraph GCP_source_Project
    GCS(Cloud Storage)

    subgraph GCP_sink_Project
    subgraph GCP_runtime_Project
        Runner--"runs PenelopeApplication in"-->AppEngine
    STS--"member of"-->GCP_sink_Project
    STS(Storage Transfer Service SA)--"`storage.legacyBucketWriter 

Service accounts


There should be one custom service account runner that is used to run the Penelope application. This service account should have the following roles in the project it runs:

  • CloudSQL Client (roles/cloudsql.client)
    • to be able to connect to the database running in the same project as Penelope application
  • Cloud Trace Agent
    • to be able to connect to write traces to Google Monitoring


The GCP Projects that are created for the pure purpose to store only backup data will be accessed by the backup service accounts.

permission for runner service account

The runner service account should to be able to impersonate thebackup service account with the role: Service Account Token Creator (roles/roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator)

permission in data source (PenelopeDataExporter)

The backup service account should have the following roles in the source project:

  • to be able to evaluate data store costs during backup creation
    • Monitoring Viewer (roles/monitoring.viewer)
  • to be able to access project metadata
    • resourcemanager.projects.get
    • resourcemanager.projects.list
  • to be able to list and get GCS bucket metadata
    • storage.buckets.get
    • storage.buckets.list
  • to be able to make GCS Mirroring
    • Private Logs Viewer (roles/logging.privateLogViewer)
  • to be able to for GCS Mirroring strategy to check logging.list quota usage
  • to be able to list and get BigQuery datasets/table/views metadata
    • bigquery.datasets.get
    • bigquery.tables.get
    • bigquery.tables.list
  • to be able to list and export from BigQuery
    • bigquery.tables.createSnapshot
    • bigquery.tables.export
    • bigquery.tables.getData
    • bigquery.tables.replicateData

permission in data sink (PenelopeBackupManager)

The backup service account should have the following roles in the target (backup only) project:

  • to be able to manage GCS buckets and its objects
    • storage.buckets.create
    • storage.buckets.delete
    • storage.buckets.enableObjectRetention
    • storage.buckets.get
    • storage.buckets.getIamPolicy
    • storage.buckets.list
    • storage.buckets.setIamPolicy
    • storage.buckets.update
    • storage.objects.create
    • storage.objects.delete
    • storage.objects.get
    • storage.objects.list
    • storage.objects.update
  • to be able to trigger export jobs in BigQuery from source project(s)
    • BigQuery Job User (roles/bigquery.jobUser)
  • to be able to create&update Storage Transfer jobs
    • Storage Transfer User (roles/storagetransfer.user)
  • to be able to clean up backups that transit to status BackupDeleted
  • to be able to check compliance permissions
    • iam.denypolicies.list
    • iam.denypolicies.get

Storage Transfer Service Account

For the backup that are made for the bucket in the source project the service account - created by the Storage Transfer Service, is used. The service agent's email uses the format

permission in data source

Google's managed service account need following permission in the source project:

  • to be able to export GCS date from source
    • on project level permissions that are part of following GCP roles
      • Storage Object Viewer (roles/storage.objectViewer)
      • Storage Legacy Bucket Reader (roles/storage.legacyBucketReader)
      • NOTE: this role can be set only on the bucket level you need to define custom role

permission in data sink

Google's managed service account need following permission in the target (backup only) project:

  • on project level a role wit the following IAM permissions:

    • Storage Transfer User (roles/storagetransfer.user)
  • on sink bucket level:

    • Storage Legacy Bucket Reader (roles/storage.legacyBucketReader)
      • NOTE: it is done automatically set by the runner service account
    • Storage Legacy Bucket Writer (roles/storage.legacyBucketWriter)
      • NOTE: it is done automatically set by the runner service account