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(S)FTP Export

Utz Westermann edited this page Aug 18, 2016 · 7 revisions


You can configure a parallel export of view data to an FTP or an SFTP server using an exportTo() clause with Ftp within a view. Whenever the view performs its transformation successfully and materializes, Schedoscope triggers a mapreduce job that

  • splits up the view's data in a configurable number of chunks;
  • in parallel encodes the data within those chunks as JSON or CSV;
  • aggregates and optionally compresses the chunks into one file per chunk;
  • and finally copies the chunk files in parallel via (S)FTP to the specified server.


def Ftp(
  v: View,
  ftpEndpoint: String,
  ftpUser: String,
  ftpPass: String = null,
  filePrefix: String = null,
  delimiter: String = "\t",
  printHeader: Boolean = true,
  keyFile: String = "~/.ssh/id_rsa",
  fileType: FileOutputType = FileOutputType.csv,
  numReducers: Int = Schedoscope.settings.ftpExportNumReducers,
  passiveMode: Boolean = true,
  userIsRoot: Boolean = true,
  cleanHdfsDir: Boolean = true,
  exportSalt: String = Schedoscope.settings.exportSalt,
  codec: FileCompressionCodec = FileCompressionCodec.gzip,
  isKerberized: Boolean = !Schedoscope.settings.kerberosPrincipal.isEmpty(),
  kerberosPrincipal: String = Schedoscope.settings.kerberosPrincipal,
  metastoreUri: String = Schedoscope.settings.metastoreUri)


When exporting via (S)FTP, you have the option to export the data in a CSV or one-line JSON format. In case of the latter, the views data are exported losslessly, i.e., even complex or nested field types are recursively and adequately translated to JSON. For CSV exports, complex structured are translated to JSON strings and written as otherwise normal CSV string fields.

View fields and parameters marked with isPrivacySensitive are hashed using MD5 during export.

Additionally, the exported chunk files can be compressed with gzip or bzip2.

The file naming scheme of those files is as follows:


The prefix is freely configurable.

Here is a description the parameters you must or can pass to Ftp exports:

  • v: a reference to the view being exported, usually this (mandatory)
  • ftpEndpoint: an ftp:// or sftp:// URL pointing to the (S)FTP server to which the view's data are to be copied (mandatory)
  • ftpUser: the (S)FTP user for connecting to the server (mandatory)
  • ftpPass: the (S)FTP user's password or SSH key passphrase. No password by default
  • filePrefix: the filename prefix of the resulting files being copied. The default is the view's Hive database and table name concatenated using -
  • delimiter: in case the view's data is to be exported in CSV format, this specifies the CSV delimiter to use. The default is \t
  • keyFile: the location of the private SSH key file when SFTP transport with key-based authentication is used. Defaults to ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  • fileType: specifies the export format, either FileOutputType.csv or FileOutputType.json. Default is csv
  • numReducers: the number of reducers to use during the export. This defines the parallelism of the export, i.e., how many chunk files are generated for the view export and how many (S)FTP connections to the server will be opened. Defaults to the config setting schedoscope.export.ftp.numberOfReducers (i.e., 2)
  • passiveMode: specifies whether to use FTP passive mode or not. Defaults to true
  • userIsRoot: specifies whether the FTP root directory after login is the user directory (true) or /(false). Default is true
  • cleanHdfsDir: clean up the temporary HDFS dir used during export. Default is true
  • exportSalt: optional salt to use when anonymizing fields during export. Defaults to schedoscope.export.salt in the configuration
  • codec: the compression codec to use: either FileCompressionCodec.none, FileCompressionCodec.gzip or FileCompressionCodec.bzip2, defaults to FileCompressionCodec.gzip
  • isKerberized: is this a kerberized cluster environment? Defaults to true, if schedoscope.kerberos.principal is set in the configuration
  • kerberosPrincipal: the Kerberos principal to use in a Kerberos cluster enviroment. Defaults to schedoscope.kerberos.principal as set in the configuration
  • metastoreUri: the connection URI to use for the Hive metastore. Defaults to schedoscope.metastore.metastoreUri as set in the configuration


package test.export

case class ClickWithJdbcExport(
  year: Parameter[String],
  month: Parameter[String],
  day: Parameter[String]) extends View
       with DailyParameterization {

  val id = fieldOf[String]
  val url = fieldOf[String]

  val stage= dependsOn(() => Stage(year, month, day))

    () => HiveTransformation(
      insertInto(this, s"""SELECT id, url FROM ${stage().tableName} WHERE date_id='${dateId}'""")))

   // This will create 3 bzip'ed CSV files (with header row, |-separated) and upload them to an STP server 
   // using key authentication (with the key file at ~/.ssh/id_rsa and secured by password).
   // The CSV header row looks like this:
   // id|url|year|month|day|date_id
   // The file prefix will be set to clicks-${year}${month}${day}
   exportTo(() => Ftp(
                      "exportUser", "keyPassword", 
                      filePrefix=s"clicks-${date_id.v.get}", delimiter="|",
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