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Configuring Metascope

Utz Westermann edited this page May 14, 2016 · 6 revisions

Metascope shares the same config file as Schedoscope. All possible properties can be found in the according section schedoscope.metascope. For more information regarding the settings and the HCON format, see [Schedoscope Configuration]( Schedoscope).

Reference configuration

Here, you find the commented default configuration of Metascope in Schedoscope's reference.conf.

For an example of how to override these settings, you can also take a look at the [tutorial](Open Street Map Tutorial).

schedoscope {

    # Metascope related settings

    metascope {

      # Metascope webservice port

      port = 8080

      # Configure authentication method

      auth {

        # Possible methods = ["simple", "ldap"]
        # simple: custom user management
        # ldap: external ldap directory is used for authentication

        authentication = "simple"

        # ldap settings

        ldap {
          # ldap server url
          url = ""
          # ldap manager dn
          managerDn = ""
          # ldap manager password
          managerPassword = ""
          # ldap user dn pattern
          userDnPattern = ""
          # ldap group search base
          groupSearchBase = ""
          # Allowed groups to access Metascope
          allowedGroups = ""
          # Admin group(s): User will have admin rights
          adminGroups = ""


      # Database which is used as the metadata repository.
      # Default: embedded Apache Derby instance, which creates a local repository in the metascope directory ('.../metascope/repository')

      repository {

        # JDBC URL to database server

        url = "jdbc:derby:{metascope.dir}/repository;create=true"

        # database user

        user = "sa"

        # users password

        password = ""

        # Dialect to use to talk to database. For further information, visit:

        dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyTenSevenDialect"

      # Settigns relataed to the Apache Solr instance

      solr {

        # URL to Solr instance. 
        # Default: embedded Apache Solr instance, which creates a local index in the metascope directory ('.../metascope/solr')


      # General settings concerning logging (via SLF4J) 

      logging {

        # Path to logfile

        logfile = "{metascope.dir}/logs/metascope-service.log"

        # Log level granularity

        loglevel = "DEBUG"



Repository configuration

Metascope uses a relational database as the main metadata repository and an Apache Solr instance as an index for searching and filtering purposes. If Metascope is run in embedded mode (which is the default), it will create an embedded instance of Apache Derby and an embedded Solr core in the metascope target folder:

  • .../schedoscope-metascope/target/metascope-deployment/repository/: Local metadata repository (Apache Derby)
  • .../schedoscope-metascope/target/metascope-deployment/solr/: Local index (Apache Solr)

In production, especially when you have a large amount of tables and partitions, it is recommended to use a standalone database and Solr server.

External (Standalone) Metadata Repository

Metascope uses Hibernate to communicate with the relational database, which means that most of the common relational databases should suit Metascope (check

Note: At the moment, only MySQL has been tested. Feel free to use other databases like Oracle or PostgreSQL.

Here is an example for a MySQL configuration:

repository {
    url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/anyDatabase?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true&rewriteBatchedStatements=true"
    user = "username"
    password = "secret"
    dialect = "org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect"

External (Standalone) Metadata Index

To use a standalone Solr server, set metascope.solr.url in application.conf file to http://solrhost:solrport. The Solr instance needs a core (the actual index) named metascope, in which it persists the indexed data. At the moment, it is not possible to create a Solr core on the fly. Create a core named metascope with the appropriate solrconfig.xml and schema.xml files. For further information, check How do I create a Solr Core

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