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View Pattern Reference

Utz Westermann edited this page Apr 20, 2016 · 11 revisions

Schedoscope commands address views by paths. View paths have the following format:

{package}/{view}(/{view parameter value})*

Thus, the first path segment is the Scala package the view resides in, the second segment the name of the view.



For parameterized views, there is one additional path segment with the value for each parameter. Depending on the type of the respective parameter, values are encoded as follows:

  • i(aNumber): an integer parameter value
  • l(aNumber): a long parameter value
  • b(aNumber): a byte parameter value
  • t(true), t(false): a boolean parameter value
  • f(aFloat): a float parameter value
  • d(aDouble): a double parameter value
  • ym(yyyyMM): a MonthlyParameterization
  • ymd(yyyyMMdd): a DailyParameterization
  • null(): a null parameter value
  • everything else: a string parameter value



View paths can not only address individual views but also collections of views. To that end, they support range expressions:

  • rym(yyyyMM-yyyyMM): a range of MonthlyParameterizations between two months (inclusive)
  • rymd(yyyyMMdd-yyyyMMdd):a range of DailyParameterizations between two days (inclusive)



Enumerations are also supported, even enumerations of ranges:

  • e{constructor parameter value format}({aValue},{anotherValue})`: enumerate multiple values for a given view parameter value format.


ei(1,2,3)                          => an enumeration of integer view parameters 
e(aString, anotherString)          => an enumeration of string view parameters 
eym(yyyyMM,yyyMM)                  => an enumeration of MonthlyParameterizations
erym(yyyyMM-yyyyMM,yyyyMM-yyyyMM)  => an enumeration of MonthlyParameterization ranges
eymd(yyyyMMdd,yyyMMdd)                     => an enumeration of DailyParameterizations
erymd(yyyyMMdd-yyyyMMdd,yyyyMMdd-yyyyMMdd) => an enumeration of DailyParameterization ranges

Use backslashes to escape view URL pattern syntax given. The following characters need quotation: \,(-).

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