Create an application/service that:
- Sync contacts between two services: MockAPI and Mailchimp
- Every contact contains the following information: first name, last name and email address.
- The contacts in MockAPI must be synchronized with contacts in Mailchimp
- The application must be deployed in Heroku or Netlify
- The application will synchronize contacts by triggering a GET request to /contacts/sync.
- This endpoint should return the information of contacts synchronized.
The project (code) has been uploaded to Github here.
The project has been deployed in Heroku in
The document that describes the technical design can be located in Google Docs here.
Video files:
- How does the software work
- How did I build the project and why did I build it that way
- Sync successfully
Scala, JDK and libraries used in this project:
- Scala 2.13.7
- sbt 1.5.5
- JDK 11
- Akka 2.6.17
- Akka Http 10.2.7
- Circe 0.14.1
- PureConfig 0.16.0
- Logback 1.2.7
- Scala Logging 3.9.4
- sbt-scalafmt 2.4.3
- sbt-native-packager 1.7.6
To run the service locally use sbt:
sbt run
If everything is fine you should see something similar to:
14:22:16.769 [main] INFO com.trio.api.MainApiApp$ - Starting MainApiApp ...
14:22:18.034 [main] DEBUG com.trio.common.config.ApiAppConfig$ - Successfully loaded configuration (ApiAppConfig), ApiAppConfig(ApiConfig(contacts,,8080),MailChimpConfig(b6749f9334fb7684fd16c5818632d647-us20,us20,,9f2da7d6f2,1000),MockApiConfig(http://localhost:8081))
14:22:19.015 [] INFO com.trio.api.MainApiApp$ - Started at port 8080
To trigger the sync:
curl localhost:8080/contacts/sync
From the terminal run:
To make changes on the configuration check the technical design in the section Configuration.
From the terminal just run:
sbt test