This Github repository contains Designs/docs/software/PCB for Project Apollo (open source oxygen concentrator)
For more context behind the history/goals/motivation for this project please see our coverage in Helpful Engineering blog:
Update: check out our presentation at RespiCon 2021!
- Ventilators need oxygen! (typical FiO2 0.4 … 0.9)
- Oxygen generation is a big problem in developing countries.
- No established infrastructure.
- Oxygen bottles are expensive
- People are already looking at alternative (local) ways for producing oxygen
- Goal of the Apollo prototype = enabling people around the world to build the prototype as fast as possible
- Focus = Simplicity and speed of build
- Final goal = Enable people to iterate and publish their own designs in the community
- Follow the published build documentation
- Buy/source the materials (check out the BOM)
- Build the prototype
- Validate O2 concentration and flow. Use a good O2 and flow sensor.
- Think about risk analysis and assessment: template for Apollo-derived design
- Document and iterate your own design. Publish your findings to the community!
- Output medical grade Oxygen ideally at 93%
- Flow rate of 1-20 liters per minute (5 l/m being standard for oxygen therapy)
- Achieves O2 concentration out of the box: around 45% @ 5 liters/min (enough for less-critical ventilator use cases)
- Instructables-style (step-by-step) build instructions:
- Bill of materials:
- Prototype v1 (old):
- Prototype v2 (latest):