Homeworks and class exercises from the discipline Virtual Execution Environments
TPC list Exercises 1 2 and 3 about reflection Lesson 38 exercise about reflection, interfaces and delegates
- What is a computational/software environment AKA virtual execution environments AKA software framework
- The problems that Virtual execution environments solve
- What is an assembly and how to get a representation of a type or component(a .dll) and exploring it
- IL(intermediate language) + metadata = (software) component
- What is metadata for?
- The reflection API, which when in effect(in pratice) it's called introspection(which uses metadata)
- Creating our own metadata with custom attributes
- Programming in IL
- Understanding what types(reference types and value types) are how they are used during the execution of a program
- Sequences and Delegates
- Generics
Each folder that has the .vscode folder should be opened as a project
Open the folder and type in the explorer address bar: cmd
In the console, write: code .
Or just drag and release the folder into VSC and it will open the project
Inside each folder that contains a .csproj file for the project. Run this command in console:
- dotnet build
Which will compile(AKA build) the .dll files and other stuff which, are files of larger size and shouldn't be placed in repos.
dotnet new operation -o FolderName
Example of operations used:
- console (creates project with main method)
- classlib (creates project intended to just contain utility classes, no main method)
- xunit (creates project intended to run tests on)
Name: C# IL Viewer Id: josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer Description: A C# IL Viewer for Visual Studio Code Version: 0.0.1 Publisher: Joseph Woodward VS Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=josephwoodward.vscodeilviewer
Name: C# Id: ms-dotnettools.csharp Description: C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp). Version: 1.23.12 Publisher: Microsoft VS Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csharp
Name: vscode-pdf Id: tomoki1207.pdf Description: Display pdf file in VSCode. Version: 1.1.0 Publisher: tomoki1207 VS Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=tomoki1207.pdf
It's used to consult metadata and the IL code of .dll files.