This scripts is a GUI to heudiconv. You need to copy the paths to original images, destinatios folder and your heuristic file. In the GUI you need to introduce the codes to convert into BIDS. Is just a silly tool with GUI to create a easy way to convert images based on Heudiconv.
Sometimes when you manage dicom images from Philips scanner the conversion to nifit with dcm23niix the slicetiming is missing. With this calculator you could have the section of slice timing to insert in yor json. You need to know TR, Slices and Order.
Install CAMINO, FSL and ANTs
files and path:
for code in $(cat ~/codelist.txt) do
cd $path/$code/
mkdir CAMINO
mkdir DTIFIT
mkdir DTItk
cd $path/$code/DWI
fsl5.0-eddy_correct $DWI data.nii.gz 1
cp xDTIhighisoSENSE_33.bvec bvecs
cp bvecs bvectemp
mv bvecs bvectemp
psc -r < bvectemp | sc -W% - > grad_dirs.txt
rm bvectemp
fsl5.0-bet $DWI nodif_brain.nii.gz -f .3 -m
cp nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz $path/$code/CAMINO
cp grad_dirs.txt $path/$code/CAMINO
cd $path/$code/CAMINO
pointset2scheme -inputfile grad_dirs.txt -bvalue 1E9 -outputfile 4Ddwi_b_bvector.scheme
image2voxel -4dimage ../DWI/data.nii.gz -outputfile dwi.Bfloat
dtfit dwi.Bfloat 4Ddwi_b_bvector.scheme -bgmask nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz -outputfile dt.Bdouble
modelfit -inversion 2 -schemefile 4Ddwi_b_bvector.scheme -inputfile dwi.Bfloat -bgmask nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz > dt_nonlinear.Bdouble
for PROG in fa md; do
cat dt.Bdouble | ${PROG} | voxel2image -outputroot ${PROG} -header ../DWI/$DWI
cat dt_nonlinear.Bdouble | dteig > dteig.Bdouble
dt2nii -inputfile dt_nonlinear.Bdouble -outputroot nifti_ -header ../DWI/$DWI
#visualizador de primer nivel de Camino
#pdview -inputfile dteig.Bdouble -scalarfile fa.nii.gz
cd $path/$code/
fsl5.0-dtifit -k DWI/data.nii.gz -o DTIFIT/data -m DWI/nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz -r DWI/bvecs -b DWI/bvals -w